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Status Updates posted by Dustin

  1. My mind goes to weird places when people tell me "happy hump day"

  2. The new Facebook update for iOS is great but a little sluggish. Maybe it will run better on the 4S.

  3. Woke up fine, but just remembering what today is puts me in a sour mood. Still can't believe you're gone, Will.

  4. V for Vendetta on @g4tv. Tonight is a good night.

  5. Renegade sounds almost as good as it did live at FBR15 :)

  6. Netflix is scrapping the Qwikster plan! Hooray!

  7. Taking lots of online surveys to get gift cards as rewards so I can somehow afford video games this holiday season. #broke

  8. Caved in. Pre-ordered the iPhone 4S. This one's for you, Steve. #andnowimbroke

  9. To get an iPhone...or not to get an iPhone... #firstworldproblems

  10. The more I hear about #OccupyWallStreet the more I want to watch V for Vendetta. So I am.

  11. Very classy, Google and Samsung. Postponing phone announcement out of respect for paying tribute to Steve Jobs. I commend you for that.

  12. “It’s more fun to be a pirate than to join the navy.†-Steve Jobs

  13. No matter what tech companies we are all loyal to, today, we are all Apple fans.

  14. I swear Westboro Baptist Church better not picket Steve Jobs' funeral or I will take down their website's servers by hand if I have to.

  15. AMAZING! RT @page2: This is why you don't fall asleep at Yankees games: http://t.co/vj1yg6H4

  16. Why can't anyone do a decent Batman TV show since the original animated series!? http://j.mp/mU8dVw Horrible! #batman #bewarethebatman

  17. Really disappointing keynote. Guess I'll wait yet another year for an iPhone.

  18. Happy iPhone 5 Day, everyone. #hype

  19. What is everyone expecting for the iPhone announcement tomorrow? Interested? Not interested? Any predictions? #iphone #apple

  20. FP customers: Innovation 4 is also available on the IPS Marketplace http://j.mp/p7yyno #ipb #fp #innovation4

  21. Innovation 4: Available now to IP.Board 3.2 owners http://j.mp/mW4rQ0 #ipb #fp

  22. Had a great time in New Jersey. Now time to head back home and get back to work.

  23. What a beautiful day for a road trip to New Jersey

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