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Posts posted by Lauraaax

  1. I'm in kinda the same situation as you Faith. Well maybe not... well I think it's all over now haha. Cos there's this guy in my maths calss... well WAS in my maths class, I've left school now. He's the biggest flirt EVER. Like, everyone knows it, they just know him as the flirt. And I've never spoken to him really, til we started talking across the classroom. Then he asked me to move and sit with him. Kinda progressed from there really, he'd have his hand on my leg like all lesson and make little sexy jokes, it was funny though because everyone knows he's like that. Except once we went for a walk and we kissed, then after school we stayed for extra maths because of our exams and we kissed twice more. Then we left school so I knew it was over but we were still texting flirtily and stuff. Then we were saying we'd go for a walk after our leavers ball because somebody was having an after-party, and we did and we kissed then too. Except now he's blanking me!! I mean I knew nothing would progress except he's stopped talking to me and he's telling people he didn't know what he was doing cos he was drunk, which we both were... but c'mon, he was on about us going off somewhere when he was sober and stuff.


    Wow sorry about that rant, had to get it out. I'm so annoyed. I really like this guy.

  2. Dear you,

    Friday night, I just can't describe it. I had such a good night. Even if people knocked... and being cuddled, sat on your knee for almost an hour... I loved it. I'll remember you promised me you'd see me over the summer even if you forget! And I hope when you said you were thinking about me you meant you thought you felt the same way. Though that's a long shot.

  3. Faith I love how you have so much confidence in yourself!

    Sometimes I do love the way I look, but other days I just wish I was skinnier. Even though I know I'm nowhere near overweight and I do eat quite a lot, if I see someone who's thinner, I'll just wish I was that skinny. Though I would like my breasts to grow a bit without gaining weight anywhere else haha!

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