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Posts posted by stealthisaccount101

  1. Or - and here's a shocker - they could have realized that those were the best set of lyrics that Hayley had ever written, and in the interest of artistic quality they sucked it up and used them? Hayley Williams isn't exactly a gifted lyricist. Hell, some of the shit she churns out is nigh-embarrassing. The fact that she was able to write an albums worth of good-to-average lyrics was absolutely amazing to me, and I'm sure it was to everyone else in the band. Sometimes in a band, you have to suck it up for the sack of the music.


    For the record, I felt pretty bad for the Farrio Bros. (get it? haw haw hee) before they started name-dropping God every other word.

  2. Do you like old Green Day or Blink 182? If so, you've got to check these guys out.






    And by these guys, I mean this is totally my band. I realize this is the wrong section, but I figured more people would be likely to view it here. If you like what you hear on the Band Camp profile, you should definitely like us on Facebook (if you have one). We've only got one song up, but we're going to try to get a new one up every week. It's definitely a pop/punk sound, just with slightly gruffer vocals. Hope you enjoy, and definitely tell me what you think.

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