
Hayley’s Interview with

Real Beauty and Yahoo! Shine sat down with Hayley to talk about touring, her inspiration for ‘Still Into You,’ and beauty tricks. To see the article, continue reading.

Hayley Williams on Beauty, Love and Life on the Road

Paramore is back-and we can’t get enough of their new music! But aside from just jamming out to “Still Into You” (it’s been on repeat for months), we’re also obsessed with lead singer Hayley Williams’s gorgeous style. From her fiery-hued hair to her picture-perfect porcelain skin, Williams isn’t just a great singer-she’s on her way to being a beauty icon as well. We caught up with the rock songstress for a chat about Paramore, her collaboration with M·A·C and all things orange.

Real Beauty: Let’s talk about Paramore’s most recent single (and huge hit!) “Still Into You.” What does the song mean to you?
Hayley Williams: I was inspired by commitment and monogamy. The ups and downs that come with that choice and the way it feels to not just fall in love but to work to stay in love. For me, it’s been an amazing journey.
RB: When you guys performed it at the Teen Choice Awards, you debuted a brand new hair style! Why’d you decide to chop off your locks?
HW: Time, really. It’s been long enough with the long hair and I just got bored. Now, I can live out my Fifth Element, Underworld, cyber babe dreams.
RB: In conjunction with the album release, you also debuted a collaboration with M·A·C. How did you decide what shades and products would be included?
HW: I wanted all the names of each product to be things that our fans would recognize. M·A·C gave me free reign on the shades and I had a pretty clear idea of what I wanted, so the whole process was pretty easy. I actually use the Lightscapade Mineral SkinFinish powder every day-and I have since I was about 18. That’s one of the reasons we added it to my collection. As far as color, my favorite product is the lipstick. I love to see bright orange lips-it’s a bold statement.
RB: Now that Paramore is heading out on the “Self-Titled Tour,” what’s one product that you always have to have with you?
HW: My RMS “Un-Coverup” concealer. Contrary to what people think from seeing me in photos with my makeup all done and everything, I don’t have perfect skin. I use this concealer every single day to cover hyper-pigmentation. It’s safe to use even when my skin breaks out.
RB: What are you most excited for heading out on the road again?
HW: Bigger shows, new production elements, and playing some of the new songs for the first time. It’s always cool to see how the fans interpret song at shows. Everything takes on a new meaning when you’re sharing it with thousands of new people every night.
RB: How about a beauty tip or trick that you swear by? Any top-secret must-haves?
HW: I’m always trying new things…facial oils, masks, I love all things beauty. It’s one of the few girly things I really get into. One of the best makeup tricks is pretty standard, but I’ll share it just in case someone has never heard it before. I take a bit of shimmery, pearl-like powder or cream-could be eyeshadow or highlighter-and I put it at the inner corners of my eyes. It makes all the difference and definitely helps me look alive when we have to be up early for press.
RB: Is there anyone you look to for style inspiration?
HW: My inspirations reach far and wide. I don’t really look to one person more than the other. But something that always stuck out to me ever since I was a little girl, is when Missy Elliot wore the trash bag in her “Supa Dupa Fly” video. She’s one of the bravest, realest, and surrealist artists I can think of. It’s not all about being society’s ideal picture of a woman or society’s idea of what’s ‘in.’ She always made waves her way.