News,  Tour

Aaron Gillespie to Fill In for Miles McPherson

That’s right! Aaron Gillespie (The Almost, Underoath), will be filling in for Miles during the upcoming European and UK dates. He released a statement earlier today on Facebook:

My friend Miles McPherson was unfortunately in a serious accident last week and is unable to play drums right now and Paramore has asked me to fill in for him as he heals. While I’m happy and excited to help out my friends on the road, this does mean I have to cancel the upcoming solo shows at Lifelight Festival, Ignite Conference, and Grand Horizon Center’s Back To School Bash. If you’re in those areas, please go check out these events as they are all awesome and worthwhile. I’ll be back to hang with you guys real soon!

Aaron is a seriously talented drummer and we’re excited that he will be joining Paramore on tour. Be sure to check out his band, The Almost, as well as his current projects here.