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Status Updates posted by thebrowncoat

  1. Catching up on #Nats game. WHY DO ALL OUR RIGHT FIELDERS SUCK SO MUCH???

  2. No, it's not. Use mine on 3G all day with no issues. RT @BGR: Apple iPhone 4 plagued by 3G data connectivity issues? http://goo.gl/fb/nYlfW

  3. How can #GHA miss that penalty kick??? Dagger. Bet #URU takes this match now. #WorldCup

  4. MUST READ. This is AWESOME. @daringfireball: ★ Translation From Apple’s Unique Dialect of PR-Speak to English: http://✪df.ws/fpk #iPhone4

  5. Goodnight stars. Goodnight air. Goodnight noises everywhere.

  6. Rob Dibble: "It's a baseball game." Dude, is that what I just watched? Shit. I meant to watch Golden Girls.

  7. This is all because @yelyahwilliams stopped buying them. RT @BGR: T-Mobile halting Sidekick sales July 2nd http://goo.gl/fb/2sgCz

  8. Seriously - could Riggleman overmanage anymore? Why don't we have everyone rotate positions with each new hitter like in volleyball? #Nats

  9. I must say...she is rather attractive. RT @washingtonpost: Anna Chapman, accused spy, is Internet sensation: http://wapo.st/aIYURG

  10. The real question is whether I can avoid a) throwing slippery iPhone across a room or B) scratching the camera if I don't use a case.

  11. Perfect - Stammen adds an RBI to his night! Forget Strasburg: Stammen has solved all the #Nats problems! Hallelujah!

  12. Seconded. RT @needham_chris: Gee, Cristian Guzman sure would look fantastic with a red P on his cap.

  13. Photo: So how many Swatch watches did you have as a kid? Or am I dating myself with this question? Kind of... http://tumblr.com/xjmcdf9cd

  14. Currently reading: The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. Fascinating read so far. #TheImmortalLifeOfHenriettaLacks http://bit.ly/9vECeF

  15. "Which Iron Chef will quiver at the sight of your hefty skillet???"Umm...that's what she said?

  16. Plus, the dock connector hole on the bumper case doesn't work with the old style/longer dock connectors, obsoleting every accessory I have.

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