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Everything posted by thenbxmas

  1. You know..I really could go through the entire set and point out all the mistakes if you'd like.. I won't though..unless I get mean responses from really..overly dedicated fans..? No offense. At all.
  2. Actually..even after they "fixed" it she sounded like shit. Honestly, listen to the CD and then listen to the whole live audio again and tell me she isn't horrible. Really. Especially in "Emergency", she twists the lyrics and WRECKS the "oooo"ing in the bridge. I'm really starting to believe she is studio-enhanced, which disappoints me a little. When I first stumbled upon Paramore I thought "Hey, here's a singer I can really look up to. She's talented and she seems totally real." and then I heard her live and my boyfriend and I were like "Wtf? Maybe she's having an off night?", but we're constantly disappointed with the lack of quality in her voice that we loved so much on CD. Don't get me wrong, I still think Paramore is an awesome band, but I think they should take some time off of tour to PRACTICE their material. They really are embarrassing themselves out there. Sorry to sound like a bitch, but someone had to enlighten you.
  3. i live in riverside. i jam wid a couple friends and cover songs esp from Paramore. wouldnt mind checking out your band. Actually our band basically just...fell apart. Our lead guitarist up and left us to go on tour with another band (asshole), and our bassist was really only affiliated with him. Sorry to disappoint everyone.
  4. Wow, I'm going to be such a downer saying this but This is the worst I've ever heard Hayley sing live. Maybe it sounds ok to you guys but I think it's really bad. Some songs are fairly decent, but others are just horrible. Wow. >>Everyone hates me now..<< ..By the way.. This is coming from an extremely anal musician's point of view..so don't mind me. Most musicians tend to listen to songs differently anyway.
  5. Haha thank you. I'm constantly being surprised by these responses. I have more music, old music, but more nonetheless. And the band I'm in (which includes that guy clapping) are writing more music everyday..but we have yet to record. Like I said, I'll keep you guys posted.
  6. haha we're talking right now and considering both.
  7. wow thanks you guys. I totally wasn't expecting any positive feedback from that especially because me and Brian (the boy doing the mouth guitars and drum clapping) just listened to it and we were like "haha ouch". Thank you so much. Actually..we've both been talking for like the past few minutes (this is a delayed reply) and I think we're going to get our whole band into it and record. It was done in one take too, so of course we both messed up. The song isn't that hard at all. In fact, I think we're all looking forward to it. I'll keep you guys posted. Thanks again.
  8. The worst one you'll ever hear in your entire life. We did this in one take without ANY instruments at all. Hahah. Oh man. I know I'm going to regret posting this. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=D2XPLZ08
  9. Emergency is a great song, but one of the acoustic versions of it is just horrible. I was like "Wtf happened here?" Haha.
  10. hah yeah. I guess I'm pretty new here. I've been a fan of Paramore since November and the band I'm in has been covering a few of their songs since February. I just decided to sign up on one of these things for the hell of it. I don't know if I'm going to be all that active yet.
  11. I have no idea if anyone has already posted this..or if the band has posted this anywhere but paramore basically means a lover. Hmm. This was probably already posted, but I'm not as obsessed as so flip through every page ever written here, or anywhere else to see so whatevzz. I feel dumb haha.
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