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Posts posted by SingMeASong

  1. Here's a few from the movie set. I picked out the less blurry ones but here you go:

    307ok11.jpg (Nikki Reed, Ashley Greene, Jackson Rathbone, Robert Pattinson)


    2db19a8.jpg (Ashley Greene, Jackson Rathbone, Kellan Lutz)


    25h06bt.jpg (Nikki Reed, Robert Pattinson, Ashley Greene)




    =) Sorry if you've seen these.





    they're huge, by the way.

  2. yeh I dont doubt they will stay awesome, theres just always that feeling with every band I like, that feeling of like losing something. I know its a change in myself and not the band really. Its just you get this exciting feeling when you discover something new and not well known yet and you just want lots of people to know about it but then it loses those new feelings. Similar to when you get a new car or a new guitar its really awesome for a little bit but then as time goes on you still love it but it will never be the same as when you first got it. You know what im sayin?


    I get what you're saying too.

    And of course for when liking them as younger, and they are older now, you feel like you're losing them to more and more people because it's not so intimate. I think you start to get protective over them.


    Hah, I feel bad for when I get someone into Paramore. I'm like, "yeah!" they like them now. But then I'm like, but I don't want anyone else to like them.

  3. I can't lie, so I will say I'm a bit disappointed just over the fact that you guys strive to be very nice, and it seems very hypocritical of you guys.


    But... you can't expect the staff to be perfect in every way. Sometimes people feel the need to take it out on a particular person, because I sure have done it many of times. Just because their held a bit higher than our heads, doesn't make them perfect or expected to be.


    This doesn't change how I feel about the staff because them saying stuff like that doesn't completely destroy their hard work. So, I still really like the staff, even if they have/will talked about me that I'm unaware of.


    Gosh, I know that probably sounded really stupid. So I apologize.

  4. Haha. I love how people read into it so much =D. I'm not being sarcastic.


    Well, there seems to be a bit on the other arm so maybe it was a sharpie fight, like someone said above.

  5. Yeah. I'm not too sure posting on this even more is going to help anyone. I can't say this for sure, but I'm sure the people who chose to not keep Diego on the sites' decisions are final, and so we should move on and not complain. We don't need a "bitch and moan" thread, to be blunt.

  6. Well, I'm going to miss you Diego. You were always so nice and you really did pull a lot together.



    For some reason, I think this thread should be closed. People are just going to go on and on and if you want to tell him how much you miss him, and thank him, you should do it on the contact info he gave us. I think too many people are adding fuel to the fire by complaining and saying, "oh my god! this is so unfair! I'm leaving too1!11!" It seems most people are only doing that so everyone will go, "No! Don't leave!"


    I know I have no authority to do this, and I'm not telling anyone to close this. It's just my opinion.

  7. so... i recently got a trial version of photoshop... but i have no idea how to use it, so all my stuff ended up looking like stuff i could have done with my microsoft picture program... but i did download some fun fonts that i used, so yeah... i like em.

    (picture credits to camisadoaddict on LJ, apathetic_way on LJ, mrxstripes on LJ, and i think thats it. if i took one of yours, tell me and i will credit or take it down, whatever you want!)















    Aww. I LOVE those. And you used one of my pictures =D =D =D Thanksss.

  8. sorry if i think your the wrong person, but are you the one that asked me what "the green and yellow thing" was?



    No, that was my friend Candice. But I was making fun of her because she thought the green and yellow thing was a fire engine. She's the one who was talking to you, I think, about having a grade or something in school.

  9. Okay.


    I’m not going to post all of my pictures from the M&G because I look retarded in most of them -_-.


    Anddd.. my review will be over at the LJ community, probably. And the videos wont be up for awhile.





    And a group picture: 100_1457.jpg



    Here is my sisters group picture because it made me laugh. Zac is holding up a piece of her hair: 100_1458.jpg















































    100_1512.jpg (SHOES!)






    100_1513.jpg (she was reaching out so someone could sing here)

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