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Everything posted by VeronicasFan

  1. HAHA I'm so glad I'm homeschooled =]]
  2. yea, I know what you mean..last tuesday, I wasn't too sad about it being over because I knew that I'd be seeing them in Nashville, and it'd be like ten times more amazing..but..now it's over and it's just now starting to sink in... *cries*
  3. awwww! haha it's great down here though. so you pretty much should be haha I know what you mean though..when I'm on the Veronicas boards, I SO wish that I lived in Australia.. p.s. Paramore in Nashville? ha I was soo there. ^^stays on topic. *makes proud face*
  4. HAHA another way for us to bypass your post count
  5. haha another reason hometown shows are best, I mean, where else would she bring her sister on the stage? aww it was so cutteeeee!
  6. OMG is there a DOLLY thread? I'm so gonna make one LMFAO
  7. haha uhh..yea it does rock but PARAMORE IN TENNESSEE ROCKS SOOO MUCH HARDER.
  8. oh my goshh all of you im HOMESCHOOLED. which means i do nothing but sit on my fat arse all day and do nothing but myspace. i can swap myspace for pf boards. very easily. so yea..like..16 hours a day. (YES, I'm aware that I have no life..)
  9. HAHA omg at the atlanta show i was like.. "old building..two bands..we're gonna be in there moshing and all of a sudden..all we know is falling.." haha omg so cheesy..
  10. HAHA she is a moderator.....who knows what they have the power to do? mwahahah oh dear..
  11. HAHA OMG if we take away all the little games, and spam, and stuff I bet Alyssa'd just be barely around 3,000 haha
  12. HAHA omg..if like...I can sit around and post all day long, I might have a chance..it probably take like AT LEAST a month, maybe two though lmfao let's make..a bet..erm..not a bet..i friendly arrangemet..SOMEBODY will be past alyssa..by Christmas.. haha
  13. HAHAHA omg i didn't call them. you DID LMFAO I was just bored..haha
  14. HAHA mighty confident aren't you? lmao..and I sit here with my little..uhh..well..I lost count but like..sixty something i think..HAHAH
  15. haha omg no you don't need to see alyssa...I spent all day in a car with her and lemme tell ya... hahaha JOKE if anything she should be saying that about me lmao...
  16. haha let's not only catch up, but BEAT her. haha I'm home alone all day with nothing better to do anyways lmao...
  17. haha omg ive been trying to hit 100 like for he past couple hours, but i keep getting distracted and leaving the boards to do other stuff then im like...shiz! haha I want to play games...lmao
  18. OMG. OMG! I'm like going to go slit my wrists and die now..
  19. didn't they say something about coming back to Nash in November? omg i so want to go..my birthday is in Nov haha but the Veronicas should have dates by then..so.I'd really rather see them a couple times then This Providence..but the V's don't have dates yet which is really stressing me out..so anyways..I'll just play it by ear I guess.. This Providence..woo.. haha
  20. awww omg the show was just..the best EVER. haha it's gonna be talked about for a LONG TIME.
  21. and it was A M A Z I N G. I'm so glad they did hallelujah and my hero. woooo
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