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Everything posted by Sami

  1. good god, i grow up and i'm out of the loop! it saddens me kinda. omg, me and my old english teacher were talking about shows when we were little and Zoom came up. i know it's not really old but this girl from my school(Noreen) was on zoom last year.
  2. in french our teacher had us do this survey thing and on it it asked for your favorite band, so i wrote paramore in REALLY big letters. so my teacher was going through them and he came to mine and he's like "paramore, huh? hmm, i might have to check them out" so he did the other day and said that he really liked him.
  3. thats a great interview. road trips are awesome!
  4. ^ who is blues younger brother???? i always found it weird how blue was the color blue but a girl. i knew blue had a friend magenta but i never knew she has a brother, who are her parents anyways?
  5. that has to be one of the cutest fan stories i have heard. you're so lucky!
  6. oh, i see now. i liked steve much better.
  7. aw, that's cool. i always have a problem picking out songs, i can never choose.
  8. i would try to make it less akward, im good at that. or i would just make an idiot out of myself, another thing i often do. anyone else?
  9. yea, i saw him too. they claimed on the show, now i could be wrong, but i think they said that he went on vacation and joe was suppose to be his cousin, but steve never came back from vacation?
  10. they still play him sometimes too. omg i used to love blues clues but once they got rid of steve, the show went downhill from there. that new guy, joe or w/e, he wears soo much makeup(foundation) on the show that it like cakes off him, it's nasty!
  11. i used to love rupert when i was little. and little bear. i used to sit there for hours and like watch him. it was weird. wow, i feel kinda old knowing all of these shows.
  12. i would try and pawn off the other tickets to my friends or something. but i would go to paramore!!!! wwydi you got trapped in one room of your house for a day with someone that you dislike a lot?
  13. OMG when i was little my cousins who are a lot older used to make me watch "are you afraid of the dark" i wouldn't sleep for like days, it was horrible.
  14. yea. although it has happened before and i called ticketmaster and they gave me like a copy of mine or something? idk, it was weird but i was happy. wwydi you got tickets for a band that you love and then you found out that paramore was coming the same night?
  15. that is so cute. that is an awesome idea.
  16. Welcome to the boards!!!! my name is Sam
  17. i would be soo excited!!! i wouldn't be able to like talk or anything, i wouldn't know what to say. i would be like "um, sure i guess??" it would be a bad show though since i can't play. you?
  18. Welcome to the boards, I'm Sam.
  19. yea the same. my friends make fun of me cuz whenever they come to my house 9 out of 10 times if they look in my stereo paramore is in there. so i would just cry when i listen to them if they broke up. anyone else?
  20. something corporate HAVE NOT spilt up. If you have heard the song "Kaite", that will be on the next something corporate album, it is about his sister saving his life by giving him the transplant. Right from andrew's mouth, he is working on new material with them as we speak. absolute punk said that they were but that was wrong. Andrew even addressed that statement when it came out in the last spring, and just because he is in remission, you are not completely cured technically until five years after your diagnosis. his immune system is still kinda sensitive, but within the next few months, he should be touring in the UK. And on another note, today is Andrew's 24 birthday!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. probably the same. wwydi you broke your parents most prized possession?
  22. Sami

    Hi! Im new here.

    Welcome to the boards Whitney, I'm Sam.
  23. well, if i was able to reschedule it then i would but if i couldn't then i would go to my party. paramore will come around again. you?
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