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Everything posted by Yoganb

  1. Yoganb

    Hi! I'm Yogan!

    Icebreaker Username: Yoganb First name: Yogan Age: 24 (July 13) Gender: Male Location: Miami How did you come across this amazing fansite that is paramorefans.com? I was searching for a Miami paramore fan club. It would be cool to meet any locals that are into Paramore. How did you come across the amazing band that is Paramore/ how long have you been a fan? For about 1 year. I heard Ain't it fun on the radio a few times. I couldn't tell who the singer was, so I googled it. Because of that, I saw the Good Morning America performance on youtube. I was fan at that point, because hardly anyone is that sincere, open, honest, humble, and simply having fun, while working in the music industry or any industry for that matter. I already wanted to see them in a live performance at that point. So, I went to buy the ticket for the West Palm Beach show on the Monumentour (June/July 2014). I also got their latest album on itunes, and while I worked I listened to the album. I was very surprised to find one enjoyable song after another. It was a very strange, and nice experience. Favorite Paramore song? I would say I'm not one of those crazy girls, only because I want to see a live performance of it. Favorite lyric? "We're writing the future, we're writing it outloud." Only because I see that when you write out your goals, dreams, it helps to put things into perspective. And that I see that whenever we write, speak or think someone, we are creating our future to be that. Any live show experiences you'd like to share? The best performance of Let the Flames Begin, and Part II, was on the West Palm Beach Performance at Cruzan Amphitheater, on the Monumentour. I have seen many videos of these performace on Youtube, but none compare to the one I saw live. Luckiy someone recorded that performance, I still at times watch that performance, simply because the way Haley was really into the songs, and hit the notes. I can share the link: Camera angle 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cs6z_uaxlc0 Camera angle 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QT6LFEEywOE I sometimes play both videos at the same time, and I sync them.
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