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Leia Jade

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  • Real Name
    Leia Hayes

Leia Jade's Achievements

Brand New Eyes

Brand New Eyes (1/9)



  1. RT @GoChaela: why does this sound like a quote from the rats https://t.co/Kroq5ip0LG

  2. RT @Mr_Kapowski: Elon Musk’s full name is actually Elongated Muskrat

  3. @go_baguette_it I love them they really seem like a better prospect than the debs ✨

  4. i found some of the maths pre exam online and even at home with all my notes I still can't do any of it :))))))

  5. RT @daiIyriv: although i can’t stop all cruelty to living creatures on the planet, i can be kinder to every living creature in my life. htt…

  6. i feel like i just had a spiritual awakening listening to pale waves for the first time. WHAT IS THIS DREAMY DARK SORCERY

  7. day 1: i am already splitting at the seams

  8. because i relate to catherine so much and i love heathcliff and it's my favourite novel ever

  9. not exaggerating but i would die for my kitten (son) ❤️ https://t.co/3B8FjWaZ08

  10. love yourself, listen to daft punk and LOSE YOURSELF TO DANCE

  11. does Bono WANT people to hate him or?? this is so stupid, all boys aren't angry and girls have plenty of rage to sp… https://t.co/mGsvBPiRIH

  12. she was and continues to be such an inspiration and a comfort as both an artist and mental health advocate and figh… https://t.co/39Nsh6Ew7q

  13. almost 4 am and i'm crying thinking about Freddie Mercury and listening to the WWRY soundtrack. what's new.

  14. developing any sort of feelings for anyone will ruin your life like I keep having cutesy dreams about random people and it PAINS ME

  15. the English people at the party tonight were like surreal caricatures they kept saying 'splendid' and 'marvellous' it was so posh

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