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Everything posted by lstracey

  1. Wow Jarrod thats really deep, you're a sweet guy Ok well now im gonna talk about my own sweet wonderful guy that you all know as Nathan <3 A lot of people think that young people like us cant truly fall in love or anything like that and that maybe true, but from my own experiences I really think thats all a load of bullshit. True its not like we've known each other forever and we've been dating for only a year in a half, but in that short amount of time ive not only gotten a boyfriend for now but seriously a true friend for life. Never before can I open myself to one individual like I can with Nathan. I seriously love the way I can talk about anything with him and feel and know that hes seriously interested in what I have to say and not only care about my looks or anything else. Lets be realistic here, our relationship as bf and gf may not last forever but I believe that the memories that we shared will last us a lifetime. I remember one of our first dates when we went to the movies, hell I dont even remember what that movie was cuz it was boring as hell but thats ok because Nathan started talking to me in the theater and we bonded so well in that hour in a half that I fully knew that this relationship would work out fantastically. We may do corny dates and stuff like me and him walking through a park or a beach but you know what, I dont really give a fuck how corny that is, because during those times I spend with him i truly feel happy and warm (I cant exactly describe it but i just feels right). I think what I cherish most about Nathan is his truthfulness about anything. I really think that trust is one of the most important things in a relationship and the fact that I can trust Nathan with basically anything gives me a feeling of comfort you cant measure. What ive seen in a lot of other people's relationships is that their guy or girl act totally different when with their own group of friends or clicks. When you're with Nathan you truly know that the Nathan you know is the Nathan that his friends and family knows. Im not saying that im perfect or anything but what I cant stand about some people is that theyre fake. They worry that they would say the wrong things to everyone and in that they hide themselves and that person you know is a total stranger in truth. This part is specially for Nathan... babe Ive told you a million times that you seriously dont have to work so hard to try to impress me or make me happy or anything like that, having you with me is seriously just enough. Although I gotta say that I do love and appreciate all the little things you buy for me and all the little favors late at night or early in the morning, remember that the best gift is the knowledge that you truly love me and youve proven that over and over time and time again. I really can write a lot more of how I appreciate my time with Nathan but I really have to go because I have limited internet hah. Well let me just end with a thank you to Nathan because I may not be the perfect girl and he may not be the perfect guy but with all the things we've shared i know that we're perfect for each other. So...Thank you Nathan for being the sweetest most loving guy a girlfriend could ever ask for...I love you. <3 ~Hehe sorry Im not exactly the best writer or anything but that came straight from the heart haha and I dont care how corny it sounds or looks and there may be some spelling errors but who the hell cares cuz i didnt double check cuz this aint homework haha
  2. Hi im Tracey and im pretty new here Whats your name?
  3. Hey Ali, Lane and Matt!! Yeah he is!!
  4. Omg pokemon haha!! Psyduck was my favorite pokemon evah!!!
  5. aww all you guys are soo sweet Hi Everyone!
  6. Hey guys thanks to all for the reply, im on vacation right now so my internet is pretty limited but ill try to check whenever i can
  7. Hi guys i just joined last night/morning hah Hope to talk to all of you soon Oh and Im Nathan's (Ricebowl52) gf btw so I already know one person here haha
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