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Posts posted by nemesis90

  1. from AP.net (iv coloured come bits if you cant be bother to read it all, i dont blame you!)


    this is from '05 btw


    "haley has real talent, when she wrote all the songs on her acoustic guitar when she was a solo artist. Paramoure is generated by Atlantic records to build up her credit in the scene and fan base before they go national with her, fueld by ramen has nothing to do with paramoure, they make no decsisions on her, they dont fund her, they basicly front her on their label and get a cut of what she makes. haley is talented, but as for your CREATED statement, its the same thing, shes created for people in the "underground" to like so that people like you stick with her when shes as big as the other two mentiond female artists(doubling album sales, which they LOVE)....atlantic almost sent her to europe to develop a euro-sound. hows that for creation?"


    someone asked whats his source


    "i honestly wish i could tell you. but its someone who has had a huge impact on the band, and another person who knows how the deal works. but here are the obvious points of paramour"the CREATION" that are publiic. south by southwest fest in austin texas, haley played just her and her acoustic guitar (this fest isnt for the fans its more of an industry showcase). she then signed to atlantic or "fueled by ramen" as they would love you to think. so we will refer to it as fueld by atlantic. after being signed she formed a band, who, to her credit, arnt hired guns. while they were writing and demoing and all that fun stuff babmoozle happend. and if you ask anyone who was there, they will tell you this is tru. PAramoure was screamo for that day,even with a little breakdown. the A&Rs squashed it, then they thought about europe, now they are going with the "come up thru the emo scene struggleing"; bull shit, her paycheck is huge, and they could have a bus already if they wanted. i honestly wish i was lying cause to their credit they write good music, they are just the pawn of the major labels new way to make money, and anyone who would subject themselves to falsifying fans by them believing htey had to struggle like other bands ACTUALLY have is bullshit. personally i have no problem with bands signing to majors or being bumped up to majors. but when you sign a deal to front your band on an indie so you can double your album sales (underground/industry + mainstream) its bullshit. i honestly couldnt make this stuff up, ask around youll here the same thing."


    What an idiot?!

    i laughed so hard reading this

    i love all the 'paramour's and the 'haley's!

    how can you take this guy seriously?!

    what do you think?



    (every other post in that thread said something along the lines of 'haley is hot..' JESUS! learn her fricking name! argh)

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