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Posts posted by Jorgi

  1. Its been 5 weeks since i quit. 5 weeks holy shit.


    But i feel like a trainwreck right now. The last two days are harder than the first two days of quitting. I feel like im so close to relapsing right now and trying to keep it straight. I don't want to fail so bad, but at the same time i feel the strongest urge to have one. I will try to keep it straight, because im just trying to think about all the bad times and shitty things about smoking. Its typical behavior of trying to have one, and im resisting it. at this very moment the daily grind of life has gotten to me and the novelty of quitting has kinda died off. Im so scared that maybe, just maybe absence is making my heart grow fonder for one again.


    stoked youre still going,


    and you know what- if you want a cigarette, just have one dude. at the end of the day, you're the one giving up, no one else, you're only failing yourself (sounds cheesey but you get me). so if you want that cigarette, have it, but if you want to give up then... that's just the decision


    my boyfriend's currently giving up smoking, still, slowly but surely, and everytime i have one and he's there he's like "aw give us a pull" and i'm like, sure, because you know, i'm not the one giving up - he never has one.

  2. i was under the impression it was cause they actually got mashed like, in the middle of the rink, the underage thing is more creditable i thought it was rediculous before. it still is, but seriously, give them a break, they won the olympics, anyone who says they wouldn't do the same is lying

  3. I know they weren't trying to be serious, but it seems almost like a failed attempt at humor, which is what I was getting at, that they sounded bored and failed to bring the humor


    i don't know if you're aware of the original... but it's not exactly the bundle of enthusiasm, i think they did a good job, like, i don't "like" it, but its cute you know. and you're always banging on about mixing and whatnot, just let it goooo duuuude.

  4. Sibalius was the bane of my life for 2 years straight. hated that programme.


    but anyway i'm not quite sure how you get this stuff off the ground, particularly, so i don't know who you could contact... i think you could definitely get some money out of the sheet music for it, you know, - even if that isn't your like ultimate goal, it doesn't help, right ? - so maybe try contacting some of the guys who handle the merch or the fbr store or something ? might have to fuck around with some copyright bits and pieces, you've got to be careful that you get the credit and money you deserve if you go down this road... i really don't know.


    on a more basic level, just seriously whore out your youtube channel... you've got the talent, we all know it, just make sure everyone else gets to know it too ! it's surprising how many things take off from youtube


    avit sam.

  5. I only have 2 pairs of shoes




    i love shoes, they're my only thing. like, not shoes shoes- trainers. i freaking love trainers. they're the only reason (well, a very large one) i have a job i swear down, i get my paycheck and i'm like SHOES. MUST. BUY. SHOES. i just can't help it.


    i'm going to get shoe withdrawel when i go to uni and can no longer afford them, i don't know how i'll manage :shock:

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