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Posts posted by Jorgi

  1. I've always wanted to start a livejournal for some reason, although i can't think why anyone would take the time to read mine !

    Too much hassle

    However, i am quite nosey so i like reading other people's. Excellent ;)

  2. 2 of them. One of them where seamus apologises to harry for not believing him about voldemort (took so many takes, devon murray is very very bad at remembering his lines) and the scene where umbridge and mcgonagall have a fight in the main hall. Sat next to luna lovegood and cho chang, fantastic ;D


    So, go watch watch watch. I can't wait for it, to be honest, i love harry potter.

    Gah, i'm such a fangirl.

  3. Ahhh snowboarding doesn't actually hurt all that bad when you fall over (unless there's a big cunch of ice). If you ever try it out, I suggest you go to Milton Keynes Xscape arena, it is trés bien for learning and the instructors are safe as :)


    Also i'm very obsessed with eating maltesers

    I should stop and go on a diet

    But yum.

  4. I'm currently obsessing over any sort of music; writing it, playing it, listening to it, covering songs...

    Anything except doing my GCSE coursework for the subject. Damnit.


    I have blisters all over my hands, though. Drums and guitars are bad for your digits, kids.


    Also very obsessed with snowboarding, started going a few months ago and i can't get enough of it, even if my back will never be scrape free ever again.

  5. I was looking for one actually, they're quite hard to come about in england if you're not willing to pay import tax from america.

    I'd suggest eBay, which i'm going to check out when i get home :) This computer blocks everything vaguely interesting, so i'm not completely sure if there are any but ebay has everything ;)

  6. "Life Sucks"


    is there anybody out there

    that can help me.

    i know you wouldnt dare

    or care

    but id like to share my feelings.


    why cant i just have one peaceful day?

    a day that would blow my mind of happiness and disbelief,

    a day so sweet that id just have to stop and take it all in and lay

    on the grass and watch the clouds go by and take a deep sigh of releif.

    why cant i have that?

    why cant everyone have that?


    i know that life has its perks...

    but i havent seen any of thoes yet.

    all ive seen are liars and jerks,

    and people that want to threat

    me and scare me and sometimes i cant be strong.

    yes, i gotta "move along",

    but sometimes i just gotta take all this shit in.

    let it out in my pillow and just scream till the end.


    i pray.

    i pray EVERY day just to have that one day.

    maybe all this worrying is worthess and my day is on its way.

    right around the bend...

    but i want to feel it in the palm of my hand.

    i want to FEEL that happiness...

    i want to FEEL the disbeleif of all the peace happening...

    because i LOVE that feeling.

    and im trying to LOVE life

    but as of now


    life sucks.

    yeah sure thats a bit straight forward

    but can you name at leats ONE person that doesnt agree?

    were all in prison and we just wanna be free.


    life has its moments...

    the monents where you feel releaved and relaxed, yes.

    but i want that day...

    that ONE day.

    and WHOLE day.


    thats ALL that i want...

    and i have NOTHING left to say.


    Quite like that :) Has nice catchy lines.

    However, dare i say it, the title is a liiiitttle too cliché for my taste or even the song's style. Use of the imagination ? You're clearly creative enough to think of a better one :)


    anyway Lewis Hamilton came third at the weekend, still he's 14 points clear now, so he'll still be world champ i think.



    Lewis Hamilton went to a school roughly 6 miles away from me, and my school trashes that school at every single sport we compete against. True story.


    Although i play them, team sports aren't really my thing. Skateboarding and Snowboarding ? Excellent. Although, they're not hugely leagued sports (unless you count the winter olympics for snowboarding) so it's quite hard to really judge who is "the best". But then again, who really cares who's "the best" at anything, as long as it's good to watch !

  8. I've become very interested in film photography lately, picked up a lovely jubbly Sigma SA300 plus flash gun for a little under 20 quid off ebay a month or so ago. It's gorgeous <3

    I'll make an effort to scan in some shots later, as well as trawling through the pages of this thread as i'd love to see the skills of you lovely bunch of people :)


    Have some digi shots:








    I'm back again.



    It keeps raining, so i thought i'd be a tad more e-sociable.

    I wonder how long i'll manage to keep it up for this time, eyy ?

    I'm terrible with commitment, even to an internet forum ;)

  10. Awkwardness of it being in the middle of week, as it's when i'm on work experience...

    Hey, who cares, it's not like they can fire me ;)


    Stooookkkkeeeddd about this, as i couldn't go to the last one i thought that was it for another year !



    Oh, random thought, are cameras allowed at london ?

    May have already been mentioned, i don't have a clue and can i reeeeallly be bothered to trawl through 8 pages ? Why, no i can't. It's a hard life being this lazy, i tell you.

  11. Well, my old account here died a horrible password-losing induced death.

    It was quite the tragedy.


    I am who was formerly known as Genetick (i doubt anyone knew/cared who i was anyway) but i forgot my password (smooth) and it kept saying it didn't recognize my e-mail. Pffft.

    In a flash of inspiration i remembered said password about an hour ago, although it still wouldn't log me in or recognise my email (my fault or the site's?)


    But i'm back.

    So panic not !


    Or panic, whichever way you want to look at it.


    Am Jorgi, Am 15, Am a fan of Paramore (ORLY?!?!) and am not really very interesting at all.


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