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Posts posted by roxchick93

  1. Allow me to re-introduce myself, I'm Kiersten.

    I used to be an obnoxiously active member of this forum a few years back, then senior year hit, then college, and now I hardly have the time to ever come here except for the occasional lurking of all things Paramore.

    Anyways, I doubt any of you still remember me but I would like to ask a favor. Basically, I am turning into an applying for scholarship freak since financial aid didn't turn out how I planned this year. So there is a haiku contest that I applied for and I need votes!



    There it is and any vote would be appreciated :]

    The subject is to capture the spirit of my aspirations of this coming school year. So I made it symbolic about now letting stress break me.


    If I remember most of you guys are a pretty chill, supportive community, so I thought I would ask for help!


    Anyways, thanks ya'll! I hope to be lurking on here more :]

  2. Hey wow, i probably havent been on here in months. but to those who remeber me hello :D

    Anyways. I have a survey that i need people to take for my math class. and considering i live in stereotypical white middle class America town, its hard to find diversity :[

    so please help!


    Pick your race:

    Hispanic/Latino, Asian/Pacific Islander, Caucasian, Middle Eastern, Native American,or African American


    And one boy AND one girl name you like most.



    1. Isabella

    2. Emma

    3. Olivia

    4. Sophia

    5. Ava

    6. Emily

    7. Madison

    8. Abigail

    9. Chloe

    10. Mia



    1. Jacob

    2. Ethan

    3. Michael

    4. Alexander

    5. William

    6. Joshua

    7. Daniel

    8. Jayden

    9. Noah

    10. Anthony


    Thank you to all who help!

  3. i hate relationships. im on the verge of dumping a guy for no reason. i know if i do i'll regret it, but i want to. but the "every reason why" i should stay with him thought comes in my mind and im stuck. and i keep looking at this one guy and thinking "if i wasnt with my bf we'd be together" and im actually some what happy with that thought of being with that other and everything else comes in to play, and this sucks gosh dangit. id wish my bf would screw up so i wouldnt be a such a bitch for doing it.

    and its high school so it doesnt matter anyways, but still. i wish i could figure out what makes me happy.



    arg. ok rant over.

  4. also, just so you know, canada only spends about 10-15% of our budget on our healthcare so i don't understand where you're getting this whole 'omg they're going spend 50% of their money on health care, bad bad bad!!!~' idea


    yea cause i said "bad bad bad"...



    i did a research project last year for controversal topic debate we had to do in one of my classes. and it came from a credible source. sadly i cant find where that article is cause i never lable anything properly on my computer.

    and i said by 2020 that will be how much at the current rate it is going.


    k thanks.

  5. Most european countries pay more taxes than americans to make everybody equal economically, America doesnt do that. And i do not believe in paying high taxes in order to make everyone equal, or support everyone. cause there are plenty of oppertunities to get healthcare and make a decent living for you self with out the goverments help. and if you get layed off for a bit then tough cause thats life, then people would be motivateed to get a job again.


    and btw, since you brought up canada i would like to inform you that because of canadians socialized healthcare many canadians have to come down the US to get life saving surgeries because your lines for these are too long and people can die before they ever happen thanks to socialized health care.

    and i did a project on this for school and by 2020 providing healthcare for all of the citizens in canada will cost 50% of total government revenue. seriously. 50% soley to healthcare, there are ton of other things a goverment needs to spend money on and that 50% will drain out American if we get socialized healthcare. then taxes are going to be ridiculous to compensate.

  6. ...dude... are you seriously saying you don't want healthcare ? Like, seriously.

    don't go crying to obama when you get hit by a bus.


    Im not against healthcare. Im against hard working Americans paying more taxes to pay for everyones healthcare.

    which will enevitably cause more problems such as longer waiting lines, less qualified doctors, and it could take months to get life saving operations


    I don't know a whole lot about the matter either, but I agree with Andrew. I don't get why so many Americans are against it.



    Because in american we believe in capitalism (or so we did until obama) and we dont believe in socializing everything. then what is peoples motivation to get better jobs or make something more of there life if the goverment is supporting them?


    and this bill is taking away our rights. we HAVE to buy healthcare or else we get fines. some people just dont care and dont want to buy it, and you know what that should be there choice. not the goverment.


    sorry america isnt a socialist like the rest of europe. ohmy.

  7. (probably gunna get heated. or no one will care. i just find this worthy of discussing.)




    the healthcare bill in America is passed. And to be honest this pisses me off. the provisions of the bill are what really get me...


    "-The bill, which the Congressional Budget Office says will cost $940-billion over ten years, is expected to cover an estimated 32 million Americans who are presently uninsured. Among its major provisions:


    -An "individual mandate" will require all Americans to purchase some form of health care coverage, with government subsidies provided to those needing financial assistance to do so. People who don't obtain coverage of some sort will be subject to federal fines, which would begin to take effect in 2015."



    i just dont find it right that our goverment is FORCING people to get healthcare. What if some one doesnt want to spend the money on healthcare? shouldnt it be OUR choice as Americans??

    there are so many other reason why i am against this bill and you know what i could get past those. but forcing people to pay for it is absolutely ridiculous. Either you buy it or the goverments spends even more money (like trillion of dollars in debt isnt enough) buying it for you or they fine you, which is absolutely ridiculous.



    "-All employers with 50 or more employees will be legally obliged to offer coverage - or else they will be assessed a stiff fine of $2,000 per uninsured employee."


    and at first yea that makes sense. employes should get coverage, but what if the company isnt doing well financially (cause our economy is down the drain) and cant afford coverage. by fining them wouldnt that just make it worse? that would just force more people out of business. And once again its taking away our rights as Americans. let us chose!



    im really tempted to go fly to washington and ask them what the hell they are thinking.





    okay. im sorry but i really feel the need to present this and get it off my chest.

    go debate (or not)

    im openminded. truly i am. as long as you have a reason to back up what your saying.

  8. (im just gunna rant forever.. really ignore this. haha)


    I cant get any motivation to get my school work done. to care about anything other than the band im in and yet i have no time for anything. all this extra ciricular crap for college and my grades are taking over my life and tbh i really dont care anymore. im sick of studying for my insane amount of advaced classes im in and staying up till 12 am, which sucks. because i know its important. i know this is life and that i should get all this crap done for college. but thats not the life i want, which puts me in a very incredibly frusterating posistion.

    the only reason i would want to go to college is to major in political science. but i want to be a musician. so there is very little reason for me to study or care about math and chem and analyzing books beyond belief in english. why cant i just take my AP music, history, and French and be done?

    and why must people think its weird when my dream is somehow make a decent living with my band? and when all my classes are advanced then people in them think im inferior just cuase i get a 3.5. seriously someone give me some motivation to waste my time studying chem for hours, or learning how to draw a parabola. i want motivation. i want to good grades. but i cant find any.

    i hate listening to people talk about college and how there gunna go major in this or that.. then what? is that what they want to do or what they have to do. the most talented people i know want to waste there gifts to go get conventional jobs. which theres nothing wrong with if thats what they want. but in no way is that what i want. i hate how my dreams conflict with the worlds reality.


    i dont want to be on of those kids who think schools a waste, eff this, and is gunna fail and be screwed after high schools over cause they didnt get good grades. thats the thing. i know i should get good grades so i have options.

    but i want some motivation danmit


    rant over.

  9. okay so i love the video. this i one of my favorite songs by them an di think it was perfect.


    the only complaint i have is the obvious one, its The Hayley Show. and yea this is a video where it should center around her but it just bugs me because there past three videos are all Hayley.

    they need to picka song for a video where its not going to or supposed to be all about her.

  10. Just something weird that happened to you today, a story worth telling, or anything.


    i figured we have a sad, happy, rant, spam and everything else but i dont think we have this.



    i'll start.

    In English we were peer editing papers. this kid asked me to peer edit his, i didnt want to cause he is so emotional about everything and take stuff so personally (seriously he cried during a chem test cause he didnt kno an answer). but he made me grade it.

    so i did and here is our convrosation.



    "so your paper was a kinda weak, the vocab want to good and it didnt make much sense, maybe you could try -"

    "no thats not the problem, i know how to write but wat do you think about the topic i chose"

    "well its could be a little more specific, it doesnt have anything to do with wat we're writing"

    "no, well im not changing my topic. just could i make it better"

    "i just said wat i though. then wat did you want me to help you with?

    "just tell me wat i could do to make it better"

    "i told you, it doesnt make much sense try to clarify your ideas"

    "no you wrong, i stated everything the way i was supposed to."

    "so do you want my help"

    "yes but your not helping. is it a good paper?"

    "yea sure its great. BYE!"


    20 minutes later the teacher looked over it and tried to help him and asked who reveised it "Kiersten did, and she said it was a really good" and he was flippin serious!







    Alright someone top that, best one i had for today anyways.


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