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Everything posted by holdt

  1. ok damn lol I got so excited for a bit but thanks guys for the help
  2. ok cool, also found it listed as disease on another site http://www.jesusfreakhideout.com/artists/Paramore.asp but no luck on the actual song yet... kinda hope its a rare track but then it would be hard to find somewhere lol conundrum
  3. sweet *feels special* lol umm Im trying to find it everywhere right now if I find can I post it since it seems to be so rare and pretty much unbuyable?
  4. Anyone know of this track? was it renamed or is it out there somewhere? http://www.amazon.com/Fueled-by-Ramen/dp/B000FT4S54/ref=pd_bbs_sr_5/002-5434026-9447252?ie=UTF8&s=music&qid=1178646886&sr=8-5 go down to product description and it says Paramore - Disease Sorry if its old but I searched and didnt bring up much of anything
  5. I missed out on merch at the toronto show, Anyone out there willing to buy me 2 shirts at an upcoming show & then send them too me? Ill pay you in advance on paypal... Preferably a mod or reg just but I may get desperate... thanks a lot! And to answer your question there was far too many people at the getting merch and by the time I got there they didnt have my size left...
  6. Hey so Im new to the forum ish anyways umm I just hate getting logged out automatically and cant find how to set the time too never or at least more then the IDK 45 mins? its at... Can someone please tell me how? Much appreciated Thanks, mike
  7. http://www.mediafire.com/?dwfoy5hwdwm Well here they are, 3 songs only though... My Heart, Here We Go Again & For A Pessimist, I'm Pretty Optimistic... all pretty good quality and memorable if you where there
  8. Hey Alyssa or another mod can I post some audio bootlegs my friend took at the concert.. I only have to songs cause she was kinda foolish and only recorded 2 but ya.. I have My Heart & Here We Go Again They are pretty good quality and funny and memorable because in MH Hayley calls the guy who probably landed on Alyssa's head how he is trooper & in HWGA Josh starts off early Good Times I also ripped For A Pessimist, I'm Pretty Optimistic from youtube it is in good quality almost as good anyways Ill up them and post the links if I get an ok
  9. Ya I wasnt sure which song it was although I knew it was an old one but still it made me have a huge smile even more then I had the rest of the concert
  10. PS I thought it was so cute when singing I think Whoa hayley forgot the words and was all "you sing it you know it better"
  11. Ya the show was pretty damn sweet, A good set of new and old stuff mixed pretty well, Also My camera blows so I have like 5 decent pics from the concert, my friend got some good ones and then my M&G ones are cool but ya what im saying is everyone post your pics please!
  12. ^^^ much appreciated gives me a far better idea of what it'll be like
  13. PS: cameras allowed at the phoenix? yes?
  14. So I would love to buy another one but the only site I know of that sells them is no longer selling them ... sold out I guess is there another site out there?
  15. Ya high stage sounds bad like how highish anyone know exactly? also FFAF is opening right? so Im thinking front row= getting moshed? yes? IDK I am trying to decide where to go cause I have a small problem, I got the last meet and greet apparently cause I was unable to buy 2 only 1 and my friend is a girl and we dont wanna get moshed so I have to pick the spot to stand umm also if anyone has an extra M&G ticket they cant use for one reason or another Ill totally buy it from you for cost + 10% Also we are flying in from Thunder Bay for the show
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