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Posts posted by Chriss

  1. Haha, I'm so glad I listened to you, Ross. Best decision ever!! :)



    Also, can we talk about how hilarious Jenna and Whak's faces are at 4:23 in this video when the guy from Kerrang! asks them about hail stones, and they have no idea what he's talking about? Jenna's eye just kind of glaze over.  :rotfl:



    (And also how Jenna's so cute I almost fell off my chair. ;) )

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  2. Ah, thank you for that. I knew it was around the UK/European tour they did in 2009... I was just a liiiittle far off with the country, haha. :)


    Anytime I see Hayley with blond hair, I think about how much my grandma liked it, and how now, when she sees Hayley's red hair, she says, "She should try blond again." lol

  3. Here's Jen and me at Warped (haha, she really likes that We Are The Ocean shirt) and then again in Worcester last November. She really is such a sweetheart. I was gonna ask Matty for a photo too, but chickened out. He's also a really nice dude, very quiet but super friendly.




    finally gave them a listen yesterday and i was quite impressed

    sort of reminds me of awkif and early versaemerge in a very good way

    surprised i hadn't checked them out sooner because they've toured with a lot of bands that i love


    They're really great live too. I had heard a couple songs and bought their album last March, but never got into them, but our other admin, Ross, kept talking about how awesome they were, so I stopped by their set at Warped Tour and was hooked! The guys, as a band, are super tight, and Jenna's stage presence is incredible. I was in love the second they started playing. :)

  4. I'm pretty excited to hear Hayley's vocals progress on this album cause, just from their updates during the recording process, it seems like she's gotten super comfortable with it and did sung pretty impressive stuff this time around.


    I'm reading from so many people that 'Now' has had to grow on them a bit but I'll have to say, from the second it started I thought WOW.


    Same here. I was getting kind of scared because I was waiting until the official release to listen to the song and some people loved it and some people were saying they would need to listen to it a bit more before they decided what they though, but when I finally listened, all I could think was "This is incredible!"

  5. I'm not usually big on lyrics, but I really like the ones in this song, which is funny cause a lot of people aren't as impressed. "Lost the battle. Win the war. Bringing my sinking ship back to the shore. Starting over. Head back in. There's a time and a place to die, but this ain't it." just kind of resonates with me cause I went through a lot last year, and I'm ready to pick up the pieces and get back in the game.

    A lot of people don't like the way it was mixed, but I think that adds to the sound. I definitely think it was done specifically for this song and that the rest of the album will be much different.

    Haha, Dustin, I don't think anyone's a fan of the baby bangs, and Taylor's trimmed his beard down since the promo shoot, which I'm glad about. I guess everyone has to experiment with their looks sometime. :P


    Also, I'm glad you mentioned that preorder contest cause I also unchecked both of those boxes thinking "I already get emails and stuff from FBR"! BUT there is something mentioned on there that it's "no purchase" necessary, so you can send them an email saying you want to enter to win, and they'll enter you!  :willy_nilly:



    If you would like to be entered into the Paramore Preorder Contest for a chance to win weekly prizes then you must select the box on your order confirmation page that says "Yes I'd like to be entered to win contests & giveaways." You can also enter by emailing giveaways@fueledbyramen.com with the phrase "Entry for Paramore Giveaway" in the subject line to be entered into the Sweepstakes. See the official rules


    Also, am I the only one who finds it funny that people are upset that the chorus is simply "If there's a future we want it. Now." when we all really, really love that song with the chorus that goes "And we've got everybody singin'. Whoa."? lol

  6. The thing with Josh is that he is a very controlling songwriter and always has been. They never straight up said it, but you could tell - not sure if you remember them (mainly Hayley and Taylor) talking about having to talk Josh into being okay with some of the more pop-punky songs on BNE or how "Take Me Back" was never going to be released because they and Josh couldn't agree on how it should sound. It's not a bad thing cause he is a killer songwriter, but I think they felt a little stifled creatively. Now that he's no longer in the picture, I think we're going to see a whole new side of them that they've been holding back for a very long time. As we've already learned from "Now," it's going to be different, but I'm really, really stoked for it.


    I love it. But I can't buy/download it from Amazon it's us only ;( damnit! I want it legit on my computer!


    What about buying it from the FBR Webstore? They have it for sale there as well, but I'm not sure if that's US only. I don't think it is though.

  7. I got a little misty-eyed on my first listen. That never happens, haha.


    I've heard a little of everything... people who love it, people who are going to give it a chance, and people who downright hate it. I don't understand that last bunch cause to me it sounds epic.


    I haven't stopped listening to this song since 11pm. :P

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