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Status Updates posted by Chriss

  1. Miria Nagasu killing that triple axel! #Olympics

  2. Until bitmoji makes it so that wearing my usual hat looks normal, mine will be wearing... a fire… https://t.co/ul21EKbZiM

  3. Best video!! https://t.co/2vQjcny6cI

  4. Well done, Eagles! Thanks for shutting down the Patriots.

  5. Just posted a photo https://t.co/YKNV9qbyvy

  6. RT @questlove: So happy the late #TomCoyne got his last Grammy for 24k Magic

  7. *reads Tonight Alive interview where @jenalive11 says she’s often mistaken for a guy* Me: “Jenna, you don’t look li… https://t.co/MovVOuvu9P

  8. Hung out with @jeddlopez and watched these guys play an incredible acoustic set tonight.… https://t.co/t0YMYvQP2r

  9. RT @emmyrossum: “An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the br…

  10. This album is 19 years old today, and that makes me feel old. #babyonemoretime https://t.co/9TndY64Lq4

  11. @TonightAlive @jenalive11 @CammAlive @mattfromdulla @JakeAlive Number 20 on iTunes US! https://t.co/BamtYMMEn1

  12. RT @OriginalFunko: RT & follow @OriginalFunko for the chance to win a @ToysRUs exclusive glow-in-the-dark Sonic with Ring Pop! https://t.co…

  13. RT @OriginalFunko: RT & follow @OriginalFunko for the chance to win a https://t.co/zZCu4Pp0jf exclusive Holographic Kylo Ren Pop! and Pop!…

  14. RT @OriginalFunko: RT & follow @OriginalFunko for the chance to win an #NYCC 2017 exclusive Stranger Things Action Figure 3-pack! #Stranger…

  15. @torikelly @Nationwide Love it way more than I probably should for a commercial jingle.

  16. @itstayloryall @EarthQuakerDev @Twitter Well done, T! I really dig how passionate you are about the gear and sounds… https://t.co/jFcUpPBtW5

  17. Those streamers had it out for Nick Jonas.

  18. When your internet is supposed to be 30 Mbps but never gets above 10... good job, Service Electric. https://t.co/o9IymGUZxd

  19. @yelyahwilliams Happy birthday, Hayley! Hope 29's treating you well so far. https://t.co/jCJJQtiZhK

  20. "Aww, brilliant!" #doctorwho

  21. RT @TheDustinRyan: Just reminding the world to be nice to those in retail, today. Your problems and issues don't have to be theirs. They ha…

  22. @yelyahwilliams This just made my night for so many reasons.

  23. @Radio1045 Have you guys ever played Tonight Alive? Their new single "Temple" is pretty awesome.

  24. What happens when my brother goes to LA.

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