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Posts posted by indabisofmisery


    [x] I am shorter than 5’4.

    [x] I think I’m ugly sometimes.

    [ ] I have many scars.

    [x] I tan easily.

    [ ] I wish my hair was a different color.

    [ ] I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color.

    [ ] I have a tattoo

    [ ] I am self-conscious about my appearance.

    [ ] I wear glasses

    [ ] I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free.

    [x] I’ve been told I’m attractive by a complete stranger.

    [x] I have more than 2 piercings.

    [ ] I have piercings in places besides my ears

    [ ] I have freckles.



    [x] I’ve sworn at my parents.

    [ ] I’ve run away from home.

    [ ] I’ve been kicked out of the house.

    [ ] My biological parents are together.

    [ ] I have a sibling less than one year old.

    [x] I want to have kids someday.

    [x] I want to adopt someday.

    [ ] I’ve lost a child.



    [x] I’m in school

    [x] I have a job.

    [ ] I’ve fallen asleep at work/school.

    [x] I almost always do my homework.

    [ ] I’ve missed a week or more of school.

    [x] I’ve been on the Honor Roll within the last 2 years.

    [ ] I failed more than 1 class last year.

    [ ] I’ve stolen something from my job

    [ ] I’ve been fired.



    [ ] I’ve slipped out a “lol” in a spoken conversation.

    [ ] Disney movies still make me cry.

    [x] I’ve snorted while laughing.

    [x] I’ve laughed so hard I’ve cried.

    [ ] I’ve glued my hand to something

    [ ] I’ve laughed till some kind of beverage came out of my nose.

    [ ] I’ve had my trousers rip in public.



    [ ] I was born with a disease/impairment.

    [ ] I’ve gotten stitches.

    [ ] I’ve broken a bone.

    [ ] I’ve had my tonsils removed.

    [ ] I’ve sat in a doctors office with a friend.

    [ ] I’ve had my wisdom teeth removed.

    [ ] I had a serious surgery.

    [ ] I’ve had chicken pox.

    [x] I have/had asthma.



    [x] I’ve driven over 200 miles in one day.

    [x] I’ve been on a plane.

    [x] I’ve been to Canada.

    [ ] I’ve been to Mexico.

    [ ] I’ve been to Niagara Falls.

    [ ] I’ve been to Japan.

    [ ] I’ve Celebrated Mardi Gras in New Orleans.

    [ ] I’ve been to Europe.

    [ ] I’ve been to Africa.



    [ ] I’ve gotten lost in my city.

    [x] I’ve seen a shooting star.

    [x] I’ve wished on a shooting star.

    [ ] I’ve seen a meteor shower.

    [x] I’ve gone out in public in my pajamas.

    [x] I’ve pushed all the buttons on an elevator

    [x] I’ve kicked a guy where it hurts.

    [x] I’ve been to a casino.

    [ ] I’ve been skydiving.

    [ ] I’ve gone skinny dipping.

    [ ] I’ve played spin the bottle.

    [ ] I’ve drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour.

    [ ] I’ve crashed a car.

    [ ] I’ve been Skiing

    [x] I’ve been in a play.

    [x] I’ve met someone in person from the internet.

    [x] I’ve caught a snowflake on my tongue.

    [ ] I’ve seen the Northern Lights.

    [x] I’ve sat on a roof top at night.

    [ ] I’ve played chicken.

    [x] I’ve played a prank on someone.

    [x] I’ve ridden in a taxi.

    [x] I’ve seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show.

    [x] I’ve eaten Sushi.

    [ ] I’ve been snowboarding.



    [ ] I’ve gone on a blind date.

    [x] I miss someone right now.

    [x] I have a fear of abandonment.

    [ ] I’ve gotten divorced

    [ ] I’ve told someone I loved them when I didn’t.

    [ ] I’ve told someone I didn’t love them when I did.

    [ ] I’ve told someone I loved them and didn’t get a clear response.

    [x] I’ve felt rejected even if I wasn’t.

    [ ] I’ve loved someone I knew a friend was already in love with.




    [x] I’ve done something I promised someone else I wouldn’t.

    [x] I’ve done something I promised myself I wouldn’t.

    [ ] I’ve snuck out of my house.

    [ ] I have lied to my parents about where I am.

    [x] I am keeping a secret from the world

    [x] I’ve cheated while playing a game.

    [ ] I’ve cheated on a test.

    [ ] I’ve been suspended from school.




    [x] I’ve consumed alcohol.

    [ ] I regularly drink.

    [ ] I can’t swallow pills.

    [x] I can swallow about 5 pills at a time no problem.

    [ ] I have been diagnosed with clinical depression.

    [x] I shut others out when I’m depressed.

    [ ] I take anti-depressants.

    [ ] I have been diagnosed with anorexia or bullimia.

    [ ] I’ve slept an entire day when I didn’t need it.

    [ ] I’ve woken up crying.



    [x] I’m afraid of dying.

    [x] I hate funerals.

    [ ] I’ve seen someone dying.



    [ ] I own over 5 rap CDs.

    [x] I own an iPod or MP3 player.

    [ ] I have an unhealthy obsession with anime/manga.

    [x] I own something from Hot Topic.

    [x] I own something from Pac Sun.

    [ ] I collect comic books.

    [ ] I own something from The Gap.

    [ ] I own something I got on e-bay.

    [ ] I own something from Abercrombie.



    [ ] I’ve stolen a tray from a fast food restaurant.

    [ ] I open up to others easily.

    [x] I watch the news.

    [ ] I don’t kill bugs.

    [x] I hate hearing songs that sacrifice meaning for the sake of being able to rhyme.

    [x] I curse regularly.

    [ ] I sing in the shower.

    [ ] I am a morning person.

    [ ] I paid for my cell phone ring tone.

    [x] I obsess over grammar.

    [x] I am a sports fanatic.

    [ ] I twirl my hair

    [ ] I have “x”s in my screen name

    [ ] I love being neat

    [ ] I love Spam.

    [ ] I’ve copied more than 30 CD’s in a day

    [x] I can cook.

    [x] My favorite color is either white, yellow, pink, red, black or blue.

    [ ] I would wear pajamas to school.

    [ ] I like Martha Stewart.

    [ ] I know how to shoot a gun.

    [x] I am in love with love.

    [ ] I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS.

    [x] I laugh at my own jokes.

    [ ] I eat fast food weekly.

    [ ] I believe in ghosts.

    [x] I am online a lot, even as an away message.

    [x] I’ve not turned anything in and still got an A in a certain class.

    [ ] I can’t sleep if there is a spider in the room.

    [x] I can’t sleep if there is a roach in the room.

    [ ] I am really ticklish.

    [x] I love white chocolate

    [ ] I bite my nails.

    [x] I play video games.

    [x] I’m good at remembering faces.

    [x] I’m good at remembering names

    [x] I’m good at remembering dates.

    [ ] I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life (i have some idea...)



    The next time you stand up in front of a group of people, you'll say:

    Song: Freedom

    Artist: Tegan & Sara

    Comment: Apparently I'll be at some sort of rally.


    Your favorite thing to say when drunk is:

    Song: The Ocean

    Artist: Tegan & Sara

    Comment: I apologize in advance for all of the Tegan & Sara.


    Your message to the world:

    Song: My Number

    Artist: Tegan & Sara

    Comment: Which number? My phone number? My social security number? Either way, I don't think that's a smart message to send.


    Your deepest secret:

    Song: Bones

    Artist: City Sleeps

    Comment: Now you know... I'm secretly comprised of bones.


    Your innermost desire:

    Song: Hell

    Artist: Tegan & Sara

    Comment: It's opposite day.


    Somewhere in your wedding vows, you'll include:

    Song: Such Great Heights

    Artist: Iron & Wine

    Comment: Maybe not the heights, but the wine...


    On your deathbed, you'll whisper:

    Song: Know How

    Artist: Young MC

    Comment: As in: "Son, do you know how to work the combination lock on my super secret safe?"


    Your friends say behind your back:

    Song: We're So Beyond This

    Artist: The Reason

    Comment: Beyond what?


    You say behind your friends' back:

    Song: Never Let Me Go

    Artist: Family Force 5

    Comment: How desperate am I?


    When you wake up in the morning, you mutter:

    Song: Dance Or Die

    Artist: Family Force 5

    Comment: That is the motto that I strive to live by.


    If you found yourself lost on a desert island, you'd yell:

    Song: Man Overboard

    Artist: Blink 182

    Comment: How appropriate!


    Right now, your feelings are:

    Song: Nineteen

    Artist: Tegan & Sara

    Comment: Well, I turned nineteen last week... but I don't have nineteen feelings right now...


    What's your excuse for reposting this:

    Song: Never Think

    Artist: Robert Pattinson

    Comment: I'm just a bit ashamed to have this on my iPod.


    Your life's soundtrack:

    Song: Feel It In My Bones

    Artist: Tiesto (feat. Tegan & Sara)

    Comment: The secret bones that I have.


    The day you fall in love will be the day that:

    Song: Call It Off

    Artist: Tegan & Sara

    Comment: What a short relationship...


    You scream during sex:

    Song: You Never Know

    Artist: Dave Matthews Band

    Comment: You're right, I don't.


    What do people assume when they first look at you?

    Track: Good Intentions

    Artist: Paper Route

    Comment: I'm not sure how that applies.


    What will be a big challenge in life for you?

    Track: Dark Come Soon

    Artist: Tegan & Sara

    Comment: Well that just sucks.


    Are you a good boyfriend/girlfriend husband?

    Song: Sentimental Tune

    Artist: Tegan & Sara

    Comment: So... yes? No?


    Do you have a secret admirer?

    Song: 93 Million Miles

    Artist: 30 Seconds To Mars

    Comment: I have 93 million miles worth of secret admirers.


    Will you ever become manically depressed in your life?

    Song: The Pieces

    Artist: I-Rival

    Comment: DAMMIT!


    How will you die?

    Song: Keep Dreaming Upside Down

    Artist: October Fall

    Comment: Yes... I'm sure I read somewhere that dreaming upside down may lead to death...


    Is someone trying to kill you?

    Song: Firefight

    Artist: Jimmy Eat World

    Comment: Evidently only if they're in some way provoked.


    What's for dinner tonight?

    Song: There Is

    Artist: Box Car Racer

    Comment: There is food, I just don't know what kind.


    Your farewell message to the readers of this:

    Song: Hello

    Artist: Tegan & Sara

    Comment: Hello, readers. That is all.

  2. Brandon's camera work is amazing!

    BUT i don't like the video =/

    It doesn't suit the song at all.


    It would have been amazing footage to go with 'Looking Up' or older stuff like 'Hallelujah' or 'Born for This' a song like this. But Careful? It just doesn't suit.



    Yeah disappointed.

    I hope the song gets lots of airplay tho, cause I like it!




    this is the only paramore video that i'm really bummed about. careful is such a high energy song, and a lot of this video is a montage of places they went and a lot of standing around. i didn't think the video fit the song at all. the clips were cute, though, if there is to be one positive for me. :???:

  3. Basic Personal Stuff:


    1. Full name: Christa Somebody-or-other

    2. Age: 19 (on Saturday :))

    3. Hair color: Brown

    4. Favorite color(s): Don't really care.

    5. Favorite food(s): Whatever my mom makes, but mostly Italian stuff.

    6. Favorite music: At the moment, all I listen to is Tegan & Sara.

    7. Favorite thing to do: Softball, chilling with friends, etc.

    8. Preferred career: I'd like a writing or music career, probably.

    9. College: Is awesome.



    Let's Get More Personal..:


    10. Sexuality: Lesbian

    11. Relationship: Single

    12. Honestly happy? I'm not sure.

    13. Virgin? Yes.

    14. When did you lose it? Didn't.

    15. Regret it? Hard to regret something that didn't happen.

    16. Give it or Take it? While I understand the innuendo, this could apply to any number of things.

    17. Ever kiss a stranger? No

    18. One night stands? Try not to.

    19. Spit or Swallow? Gross.


    Friend Stuff:


    20. Best Friend(s): Carly, Rachel, Sarah, Dawn

    21. Best guys: Jeff

    22. Best ladies: ^ minus Jeff, because as far as I know he's a dude.

    23. Ever spoken shit about them? Three of them, yes. :/

    24. Would you do anything for them? For three of them.

    25. Favorite place to go with them? Depends on who I'm with. Carly and Rachel - just hang out at our houses. Sarah - anywhere. Dawn - depends on her mood.

    26. When did you first meet them? I met Car and Rach in 3rd grade and Sarah and Dawn at school, but I hang out with all of them (except Car and Rach) separately.

    27. Are you all splitting for college? Some of us already did.

    28. Do you think you'll keep close? We haven't really.

    29. On bad terms with anyone? Sometimes.


    Relationship Stuff:


    30. Single or taken? Single

    31. Celebrate Anniversaries? I would.

    32. Do you think it will last? Single...

    33. What do you like about him/her? Irrelevant.

    34. Do you think they feel the same? Irrelevant.

    35. What's your first priority with them? Irrelevant.

    36. Do you love them? I do love someone, yes.

    37. Any plans together? Plans, yes. At times.

    38. Would you pay for them when needed? I do.

    39. Are you happy? Don't know.


    Family Stuff:


    40. Do you love them? Yeah.

    41. Closer to Mom or Dad? Mom

    42. Siblings? Two sisters and a brother

    43. Close with them? Pretty close yeah

    44. Best experience with family? I couldn't put my finger on it.

    45. Worst experience with family? All of their divisions.

    46. Do you hide things from them? Yes.

    47. Are your parents strict? Sort of.

    48. Do you think they've sacrificed things for you? Yes

    49. Will you do anything for them? Surely


    Random Closing Statements:


    50. Tattoos/Piercings? 2 in each ear

    51. Call or text: Text

    52. Coke or Pepsi: Gross

    53. Beach or Mountains? Beach

    54. Are you confident in yourself? For the most part.

    55. Ever wonder about life? Yep.

    56. What's your future hold? Hopefully some good shit.

    57. Why did you take this? Because when I'm home from college and excruciatingly bored, this is where I come.

  4. Are you embarrassed/ashamed to burp/fart in front of your friends?

    Burping is a contest among my friends. Farting, though everybody does it (DON'T DENY IT, YOU DO), is more of an embarrassing thing.


    When you make a typo, do you leave it, or go back and fix it?

    Depends on how tired I am.


    While riding roller coasters, do you close your eyes?

    No, but I don't go on many crazy rollercoasters as it is.


    When was the last time you felt you were about to pass out from exhaustion?

    Softball two years ago. I had heat exhaustion.


    Other than no school, what's your favorite thing about summer?

    Beautiful weather and swimming.


    Have you ever cried in a movie theater?



    You see someone naked running down the street. Your reaction?

    I'd probably laugh and/or cheer them on.


    Name one person that you think is the epitome of awesomeness:

    Sara Quin.


    Is there anyone that you are currently interested in?

    So much!


    Are your parents interested in history at all?

    My dad was a history minor. My mom isn't so much.


    Does your town have any kind of carnivals? If so, do you go to them?

    We don't really have carnivals so much as we have festivals. I go to them sometimes.


    Have you ever experienced a natural disaster?

    I've been in a few hurricanes.


    Do you have any pictures saved to your computer? Care to share one?

    I have tons of pictures saved to my computer, and I don't feel like getting the HTML to share them.


    Do you have a list of goals you want to achieve this summer? Would you care to share it?

    I want to get together with my school friends and just party all summer.


    Do you live near a dam?

    Several small ones, yes.


    If you have a Formspring, what is the best thing that has been said to you on it?

    I don't have one.


    What is your favorite arcade game?

    Super Mario Brothers


    What is your favorite state?

    New York


    Do you pronounce the word 'ukelele' as yoo-kah-lay-lee or as ooh-ka-lay-lay?

    I pronounce the u.


    Do you usually use the actual names for things, or do you tend to nickname them? [Ex. You change 'penis' to 'weiner']

    Usually no.


    Are you curre​ntly frust​rated​ with anyon​e or anyth​ing?

    Yeah, in a lot of things.


    Do you plan on falli​ng in love this year?​

    I think I have, but I didn't plan it.


    Do you plan on movin​g out withi​n the next year or two?

    I live in Maryland while I'm in college, so I guess I'm like half moved out.


    Was this New Year'​s enjoy​able?​

    My best yet


    Is there​ someo​ne you wish you could​ be spend​ing your time with right​ now?



    Which​ searc​h engin​e do you use more often​?​



    Multiple Choice


    Bold as many as needed.


    1. What time did you wake up today?

    a) Before 6:00

    B) 6:00-8:00

    c) 8:00-10:00

    d) 10:00-12:00

    e) After 12:00


    2. The last time you took a shower, what shampoo did you use?

    a) Suave

    B) Fructis

    c) Aussie

    d) Herbal Essences

    e) None of the above


    3. Around what temperature do you feel comfortable?

    a) Below 60 degrees

    B)60-70 degrees

    c) 70-80 degrees

    d) 80-90 degrees

    e) Above 90 degrees


    4. What instrument do you play in Rock Band?

    a) Guitar

    B) Drums

    c) Singing

    d) All of the above

    e) I don't play Rock Band


    5. What is your favorite accessory?

    a) Hats

    B) Jewelry

    c) Sunglasses

    d) Watch


    6. Where do you live?

    a) Apartment


    c) Mobile Home

    d) Dorm

    e) None of the above


    7. What singers do you have in your iTunes?

    a) Lady Gaga

    B) Taylor Swift

    c) Beyonce

    d) All of the above

    e) None of the above


    8. Which American Idol contestant do you want to win?

    a) Crystal

    B) Lee

    c) Casey

    d) Don't know/Doesn't matter

    e) I don't watch American Idol


    9. How do you normally wear your hair?

    a) Down, straight

    B)Down, wavy/curly

    c) Ponytail

    d) All of the above

    e) None of the above


    10. Which instant messaging program do you use?

    a) AIM

    B) MSN Messenger

    c) Yahoo Messenger

    d) All of the above

    e) None of the above


    11. What can you find in your purse right now?

    a) $20.00

    B) Cell Phone

    c) Driver's License

    d) All of the above

    e) None of the above


    12. What kind of vehicle do you drive?

    a) Car


    c) Motorcycle

    d) Jeep

    e) None of the above


    13. What books have you read in high school?

    a) Of Mice and Men

    B) The Scarlet Letter

    c) To Kill a Mockingbird

    d) All of the above

    e) None of the above


    14. What did you drink today?

    a) Water

    B) Milk

    c) Juice

    d) All of the above

    e) None of the above


    15. What color shirt are you wearing?

    a) Black

    B) Blue

    c) White

    d) Mixed

    e) None of the above


    16. What letter does your last name start with?

    a) A-E

    B) F-J

    c) K-L

    d) M-R

    e) S-Z


    17. You believe in...

    a) Aliens

    B) Ghosts/Spirits

    c) Demons

    d) All of the above

    e) None of the above


    18. What do you like on a cheeseburger?

    a) Lettuce

    B) Tomato

    c) Onion

    d) All of the above

    e) None of the above


    19. You have been...

    a) In love (I think...)

    B)In lust

    c) Heartbroken

    d) All of the above

    e) None of the above


    20. What are you wearing?

    a) Jeans

    B) Shorts

    c) Capris

    d) Skirt

    e) None of the above


    21. What tests have you taken?

    a) PSAT


    c) ACT

    d) All of the above

    e) None of the above


    22. What chores do you have?

    a) Dishes

    B) Laundry

    c) Taking out the trash

    d) All of the above

    d) None of the above


    23. You have lost...

    a) A family pet

    B) A grandparent

    c) A parent

    d) All of the above

    e) None of the above


    24. What is your religion?

    a) Catholic (though I don't practice, nor do I follow)

    B) Protestant

    c) Buddhist

    d) Jewish

    e) None of the above


    25. What romance movies have you seen?

    a) The Notebook (hated it)

    B)A Walk to Remember (hated it more)

    c) The Time Traveler's Wife

    d) All of the above

    e) None of the above

  5. RULE 1

    You can only say Guilty or Innocent.


    RULE 2

    You are not allowed to explain anything unless someone messages you and asks!


    RULE 3

    You have to be honest!



    Asked someone to marry you?



    Kissed one of your Facebook friends?



    Danced on a table in a bar?



    Ever told a lie?



    Had feelings for someone whom can’t have them back?



    Ever had feelings for your friend’s man?



    Ever kissed someone of the same sex?



    Kissed a picture?



    Slept in until 5 PM?



    Fallen asleep at work/school?



    Held a snake?



    Been suspended from school?



    Worked at a fast food restaurant?



    Stolen from a store?



    Been fired from a job?



    Done something you regret?



    Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose?



    Caught a snowflake on your tongue?



    Sat on a roof top?



    Kissed someone you shouldn’t?



    Sang in the shower?



    Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?



    Shaved your head?



    Slept naked?



    Had a boxing membership?



    Made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?

    Innocent (I think...)


    Been in a band?



    Donated Blood?



    Eaten alligator meat?



    Eaten cheesecake?



    Still love someone you shouldn’t?



    Have/had a tattoo?



    Liked someone, but will never tell who?



    Been too honest?



    Ruined a surprise?



    Ate in a restaurant and got really bloated that you can’t walk afterwards?



    Erased someone in your friends list?



    Dressed in a woman’s clothes (if your a guy) or man’s clothes (if your a girl)?



    Joined a pageant?



    Been told that you’re handsome or beautiful by someone who totally meant what they said?



    Get totally drunk one night and you have an important exam tomorrow morning?



    A total stranger treat you by paying your bus fare?



    Get totally angry that you cried so hard?



    Stolen somebody's partner?



    Made yourself throw up?



    Wanted to be someone else?




    What time did you go to bed last night?:

    About 1:30 a.m.


    What time did you wake up this morning?:

    11:15 a.m.


    Do you know what woke you up? If so, what?:

    I was having a really strange dream and I kind of jerked out of it.


    Who was the first person you saw this morning?:

    Nobody's seen me yet


    What did you have for breakfast?:



    What was the first song you listened to today?:

    Alligator - Tegan & Sara


    Who did you talk to first today?:

    My dog


    After breakfast, what did you do?:

    Watched Glee


    Then what?:

    Nothing so far.


    ... And after that?:

    Still nothing.


    What did you have for lunch?:

    Haven't had it.


    Did you enjoy it?:

    Hard to say, since I haven't eaten lunch.


    What did you do after dinner?:

    Not for another 6 hours or so.


    Did you go anywhere today?:

    I will be going out to get a job soon.


    What time did you go on the internet?:

    All day?


    Did you make/receive any phone calls today?:

    Not yet


    Have you sent/received any e-mails today?:



    How many surveys have you taken so far? ((not including this one)):



    Are you currently in an Instant Message chat?:



    If so, who with and what's the topic?:



    What music are you listening to?:

    Whatever's on Glee right now.


    If none, what song/tune have you got in your head?:

    Burn Your Life Down - Tegan & Sara


    Describe briefly what clothes you're wearing:

    Black jeans and a navy button up


    What mood are you in?:

    I dunno really


    Finish The Sentence...


    The best thing that happened to me today was..:

    my dream.


    The worst thing that happened to me today was..:

    nothing particularly bad yet.


    I have spent the following amount of money today..:



    The best word(s) to describe today is/are..:



    If today was a colour, it would be..:



    It would be this colour because..:

    nothing's happened yet.


    If today was a song it would be..:

    I'm not sure.


    Today has been...:

    monotonous... like these repetitive questions.

  6. Countdown Survey.


    Name 10 things in the room you are in right now:

    1. gatorade

    2. computer

    3. camera

    5. phone

    6. couches

    7. coffee table

    8. sisters

    9. books

    10. candy wrappers


    Name 9 songs that you like:

    1. the con - tegan and sara

    2. burn your life down - tegan and sara

    3. we chose the king - brighten

    4. turn it off - paramore

    5. airplanes - b.o.b. feat. hayley williams

    6. call it off - tegan and sara

    7. rocky took a lover - bell x1

    8. carousel - paper route

    9. your arms around me - jens lekman


    Name 8 things you already did today:

    1. ate

    2. showered

    3. unpacked

    4. applied for jobs

    5. checked my grades

    6. took care of the dog

    7. went to an angels and airwaves/say anything concert

    8. uploaded pictures


    Name 7 places (besides where you live) that you have visited:

    1. orlando, florida

    2. hilton head, south carolina

    3. montreal, quebec

    4. philadelphia, pennsylvania

    5. new york city, new york

    6. boston, massachusetts

    7. baltimore, maryland


    Name 6 teachers you have/had:

    1. prof. anderson

    2. prof. harper

    3. prof. hobson

    4. prof. macdougal

    5. prof. mcglamery

    6. prof. pegram


    Name 5 movies that you like:

    1. whip it

    2. the birdcage

    3. adventureland

    4. my summer of love

    5. a league of their own


    Name 4 foods that you like:

    1. carbonara

    2. filet mignon

    3. sushi

    4. pasta marinara


    Name 3 things you are wearing:

    1. shorts

    2. loyola shirt

    3. socks


    Name 2 things you are dying to have:

    1. her

    2. a softball team that actually plays softball


    Name 1 best friend that you have:

    1. rachel



    Do you have any pets?

    3 dogs


    What colour shirt are you wearing?



    Name three things that are physically close to you:

    nilla wafers, gatorade, remote


    What is the last book you read?

    as i lay dying by william faulkner


    Are you or were you a good student?

    yeah i am


    What's your favourite sport?



    Do you enjoy sleeping late?



    What's the weather like right now?

    it's night, partly cloudy


    Who tells the best jokes?

    dane cook? kathy griffin? i dunno...


    What was the last thing you dreamed about?

    i don't remember


    Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?

    yes and no


    Do you believe in karma?



    Do you believe in luck?



    Do you like your eggs scrambled or sunny side up?



    Do you collect anything? If so, what?

    cds and venue tickets


    Are you proud of yourself?



    Are you reliable?



    Have you ever given money to a bum?



    What's your favourite food?



    Have you ever had a secret admirer?



    Do you like the smell of gasoline?



    Do like to draw?

    no, no patience for it


    What's your favourite invention?

    computer or ipod


    Is your room messy?



    What do you like better: oranges or apples?



    Do you give in easily?



    Are you a good guesser?

    i dunno


    Can you read other people's expressions?

    yeah pretty well


    Are you a bully?



    Do you have a job?

    not a summer one yet but i really need one


    What time did you wake up this morning?

    around 10:30


    What did you eat for breakfast this morning?



    When was the last time you showered?

    this morning


    What do you plan on doing tomorrow?

    getting my hair cut and having my family over


    What's your favourite day of the week and why?

    friday nights at college are always my favorite.


    Do you have any nicknames?



    Have you ever been scuba diving?



    What's your least favourite colour?

    pink, brown, yellow


    Is there someone you have been constantly thinking about? If yes, who?

    yes, i'd rather leave this person anonymous


    Would you ever go skydiving?

    no way


    What toothpaste do you use?



    Do you enjoy challenges?

    depends on how long the challenge goes on


    What's the worst injury you have had?

    dislocated kneecap in middle school


    What's the last movie you saw?

    talladega nights


    What do you want to know about the future?

    a lot of things...


    What does your last text message say?

    love yous!


    Who was the last person you spoke over the phone to?



    What's your favourite school subject?



    What's your least favourite school subject?

    natural sciences


    Would you rather have money or love?



    What is your dream vacation?

    that's a toughie... depends on who i'm with and how long i'm there, but probably italy.


    What is your favourite animal?

    dogs and monkeys


    Do you miss anyone right now?

    very much


    What's the last sporting event you watched?



    Do you need to do laundry?



    Do you listen to the radio?

    yes, i work at one


    Where were you when 9/11 happened?



    What do you do when vending machines steal your money?

    don't care... it's only a dollar


    Have you ever caught a butterfly?

    i don't want to touch buggies


    What colour are your bed sheets?

    black at my mom's, white at my dad's, purple at school


    What's your ringtone?

    airplanes - b.o.b. feat. hayley williams


    Who was the last person to make you laugh?

    my sister


    Do you have any obsessions right now?



    Do you like things that glow in the dark?



    What's your favourite fruity scent?

    strawberry or apple


    Do you watch cartoons?



    Have you ever sat on a roof?



    Have you ever been to a different country?



    Has a rumour even been spread about you?



    Do you like sushi?



    Do you believe in magic?


  7. 1. careful - 11

    2. ignorance - 11

    3. playing god - 12

    4. brick by boring brick - 18

    5. turn it off - 11

    6. feeling sorry - 9

    7. where the lines overlap - 15

    8. the only exception - 7

    9. looking up - 11

    10. misguided ghosts - 8

    11. decode - 7


    + playing god

    - feeling sorry

  8. i am over 18. (just about!)

    i am under 13.

    i am in between the ages of 13 and 18.

    i wish i was older.

    i wish i was younger.

    i like my age.

    i know how to drive, even though i’m too young to have my license.

    i drink/smoke and i'm underage.


    my appearance:

    i have brown hair.

    i have blond hair.

    i have black hair.

    i have red hair.

    i have an unnatural hair color.

    i’ve dyed my hair before.

    i’ve gotten highlights/lowlights before.

    i have curly hair.

    i have straight hair.

    i have wavy hair.

    i have frizzy hair.

    i straighten my hair every day.

    i have brown eyes.

    i have blue eyes.

    i have gray eyes.

    i have hazel eyes.

    i have green eyes.

    my eyes change colors.

    i use color contacts.

    i have glasses.

    i use regular contacts.

    i got laser eye surgery.

    i am under 5’4.

    i’m over 5’4.

    i love my height.

    i hate my height.

    i am happy with the size i am.

    i wish i was skinnier.

    i wish i could gain some weight.

    i am trying to lose weight.

    i have gone on fad diets before.

    i have taken diet pills and laxatives.

    my shoe size is above a 5.

    my shoe size is under a 5.

    it’s hard for me to find shoes that fit.



    i shop at stores like abercrombie, holllister, and american eagle.

    i shop at hot topic.

    i shop at stores like pacsun and zumies.

    i shop at stores like bloomingdales and saks.

    i shop at stores like forever 21 and urban outfitters. (all VERY occasionally)

    i shop at walmart, target, and kmart.

    i love shopping.

    i hate shopping, and still wear stuff from five years ago.

    i own a designer purse.

    i love those oversized tote bags.

    i despise skinny jeans.

    i wear highwaisted jeans

    marykate olsen is definitely my style icon.

    shoes are my life.

    i live in my converses.

    i love uggs!

    i absolutely cannot stand flip flops.

    i get my nails done every week.

    i wear perfume.

    i hate pedicures.

    i wear false eyelashes.

    i wear a lot of makeup.

    i don’t wear any makeup.

    i love burt's bees.

    i wear a ton of eyeliner.

    i wear lipstick.

    i wear lipliner.

    i feel uncomfortable when wearing mini skirts.

    i wear a lot of low cut shirts that show a lot of cleavage. (i'm not trying to impress anybody.... they just look good on me :P)

    high heels are sexy.

    i cannot walk in high heels.

    i love wedges.

    i live in my jeans.

    my dog is my favorite accessory.

    i wear thongs and gstrings.

    i prefer granny panties.

    i just wear regular underwear.

    i buy all my bras from victoria’s secret.

    i love victoria’s secret’s pink line.



    i am in elementary school.

    i am in middle school.

    i am in high school.

    i am in college.

    i am a high school dropout.

    i am home schooled.

    i go to a private school. although the definition is different in college.

    i go to a catholic school.

    i go to a public school.

    i am in honors classes.

    i am in a.p. classes. (i was)

    i want to get into an ivy league college.

    my favorite class is english.

    i hate science.

    i hate english. (not so much the subject, just the way it's taught)

    i love math.

    i am currently failing one or more of my classes.

    my teachers are horrible, and i have no clue why they were hired.

    i love my teachers.

    i want to graduate now!

    i wish i could stay in high school forever.

    i am in band or orchestra.

    i am in choir.

    i'm in a lot of clubs.

    i play a ton of school sports.

    i’m on a varsity or jv team.

    i’m in all the school plays.

    i can hardly wait to go to college.


    my friends:

    i have a best friend.

    i have more than one best friend.

    i have a lot of acquaintances.

    i don’t have any friends.

    my friends are crazy, but i love them.

    my friends and i do a ton of stuff together.

    i have a lot of guy friends.

    i have had the same best friend for years.

    my best friends change like i change my underwear.

    my friends and i get into a lot of fights.


    the opposite sex (or same sex):

    i have a boyfriend/girlfriend.

    i’m single.

    i hook up frequently.

    i've never had a boyfriend.

    i'm straight.

    i'm gay.

    i'm bi.

    i'm boycrazy.

    i've dated my friend’s ex.

    i'm a virgin.

    i've never been kissed.

    i've had an abortion before.

    i was pregnant in high school.

    i'm saving myself until i’m married.

    i'm just waiting for the right guy to have sex with.

    i lost my virginity under the age of 13.

    i love tall guys.

    i would date someone shorter than me.

    i focus more on looking for a guy/girl with a good personality than a really hot guy/girl.

    i love guys with blue eyes.

    facial hair is sexy on some boys.

    guys with piercings and tattoos are amazing.

    i love preppy guys.

    i love the nerds.

    i would date someone in the army.



    my parents are married.

    my parents are divorced.

    my parents are living together, but aren’t married.

    i love my parents.

    i hate my parents.

    i love my parents, but they annoy me a lot.

    my parents are so embarrassing!

    my parents are really strict.

    my parents let me do whatever i want.

    i tell everything to my parents.

    i don’t tell anything to my parents.

    i have a brother.

    i have a sister.

    i am the oldest in the family.

    i’m in the middle.

    i’m the youngest in the family.

    i have a brother or sister in college.

    i babysit my brother or sister all the time.

    i love my grandparents.

    one or more of my great grandparents are alive.

    i've been to a family reunion before.


    other stuff:

    i’m a grammar nazi.

    i love erasers.

    chocolate is sex.

    i'm pro choice.

    i'm pro life.

    i'm a democrat.

    i'm a republican.

    i don't know what i am. (i do... i'm a moderate)

    i love bush.

    i check my email every day.

    i use msn.

    i love facebook.

    i prefer myspace.

    i hate people that type liike thiis 0r th!$ or thisssss.

    i love chinese food.

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