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Everything posted by princeendo

  1. Arizona tends to have funky rules when it comes to contests/promotions/etc. A lot of times AZ gets the shaft due to that.
  2. No. =/ The Contest is open to any individual who is, as of the Start Date, (i) a legal resident of one of the fifty (50) United States or the District of Columbia, EXCLUDING ARIZONA, and excluding Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and all other United States territories (the "Eligibility Area") and (ii) thirteen (13) years old or older.
  3. Oh, come on, it's easy. "I won't let you fall away." - Chasing the star around. "You will never fade" - Trying to wear shades and keep out the light because it won't cut off. "Now I let my dreams consume me" - A Pac-Man with "dreams" written on it chasing you around. "They tell me what to think." - Psychiatrist Pac-Man with you on the couch. "But hold on, hold on" - Grab Pac-Man "What am I dreaming?!?" - Wake up in a sweat Dude, you got this.
  4. Psh, I wish. Actually, I just randomly came up with it. I figure acting out a song literally would be hilarious. Either that or acting out Franklin from an amnesia standpoint.
  5. Make a big foam star. Have it fall down on you. Sit on it and make a wish. Sit in "the thinker" stance upon it. Continue through the rest of the song.
  6. You could bring "experience" to the table. We "older than every member in the band" guys gotta represent. Way I figure it, why not enter? I mean, worse comes to worse, you lose out. So what, right? However, I have actually considered your other point, which is that I've also had some good experiences and it feels bad to (potentially) rob other people of that. However, I honestly don't plan to win, just to place. I've got the money to afford the trip (I think), especially since it's just a 3 day, 2 night one. Did anyone catch how short notice everything is? You get like a week heads up. Just enter. I've proven that self-respect is worth throwing out the window.
  7. Wow. You spent a lot of time working on that. (At least, it appears thus.) Good job.
  8. Yeah, I never officially thanked you for that. My bad. Thanks. I entertained the thought of sending the band a message and being like, "Listen to Brent. He knows things." Also, you should enter. If you sound like a dying muppet, just paint yourself green and go out Kermit-style. Plus... Shush, Diego. Let me live in my delirium.
  9. Tell me Diego...is that a "good" wow or a "bad" wow? FYI...anyone taking me seriously obviously hasn't seen this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QuG4eEiJqG8
  10. I know for a fact there isn't a vid cap (at least not any one that would be any good at all) because I didn't see anyone there with a video camera. Anyone who was filming would have to have been at least 100 yards away. Sorry, no dice.
  11. Word up. Newbie on the scene.
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