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Fire At Will

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Posts posted by Fire At Will

  1. I was looking on Ticketmaster (I was dreaming about hopping on a bus after class haha) and they had that "pick you own seats" map and there didn't seem to be a whole lot left :)


    I just noticed I registered here 8 years ago today. What.

    I feel I'm too young to have been on the internet for 8 years haha

  2. May somethingth, Phoenix Concert Theatre! That was the show I was supposed to interview them for here but they "were delayed at the border" so they got me into the meet and greet instead. I also have a hilarious video of Pressure where a guy jumped off the stage to crowd surf and landed right on top of me.


    I hope they weren't…discouraged? Hayley didn't tweet, or retweet anything after the show haha Perhaps I am reading too much into it but it would suck if they were turned off Canada as a result. 

  3. The crowd last night in Montreal was sparse unfortunately...

    The sides sections were pretty full and the floor had a good showing but the back 3 sections were practically empty. I can't imagine that would be very inspiring to have directly in front of you the whole night but they did an amazing job and the crowd sounded like a full house at least.


    The last headlining show I saw was before Riot came out...so it was awesome to hear so many songs live for the first time/I had to try and hold back ugly tears for like 90% of the night. I'm just so amazed by the production value, it doesn't quite feel real yet.

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  4. fire at will: your username is in green...identify yourself


    That's Alyssa, one of the ever elusive moderators. She's cool.


    I am Alyssa, I am from Canada, and most people don't realize I am on here everyday (invisible status). I stopped posting regularly when I realized I did not "know" anyone here anymore, now I just lurk unless there is something of interest to comment on, such as this


    and thank you Ross haha

  5. These closing acts are killing me.

    I'm not for playing all this obscure Canadian music the majority of the population has never heard (though it's usually the best haha) but really? REEEEEEALLLY?

    Alanis, icon of Canadian music, Nickleback, massive success, that's fine but Simple Plan??? Avril??? Hedley??? Have they done anything relevant in the past 2 years...aaaaaah. There are SO many better choices.

    I had to voice that somewhere.

  6. 1. No, but a band may change their sound (consciously or subconsciously) in order to produce something that will appeal to a wider audience. There is nothing wrong with that, you can't blame someone for wanting to make a decent living, and as long as they're passionate about the music they're making, I say go for it. That being said it doesn't mean I am going to love it, and it doesn't mean I am going to hate it, there is not a standard.


    2. If it's a band I've been with since the very beginning then I certainly do feel a loss of connection. I definitely don't feel the same way I did about Paramore today as I did 5 years ago (and it's kind of crazy that I can say that haha) but it would be dumb (for lack of a better term) to blame them for it. I felt a greater connection in the beginning because there was such a small fan community, it was easier for them to devote more time to fewer people, but as their popularity has risen they have a lot less time to devote to a lot more people, and there is nothing wrong with that. To continue with the Paramore example, they try to keep a connection with fans and that's awesome, but again, and I guess in general a connection with their fans isn't going to make their music any better or any worse, as long as they know who their audience is, they're writing stuff they're passionate about and it's something I like (love) then I don't care about that personal connection as I do the musical connection.

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