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Status Updates posted by RenegadeRoss

  1. RT @ChrissyTurner1: Why are so many sad cunts obsessed with the Royal family

  2. @hellaradyelyah We are the best

  3. @noisepollxtion Why is that a hing

  4. RT @thebanterthiefs: Our re-recording of Up The Well will be available for digital download on @iTunes from midnight then @Spotify in the n…

  5. RT @paramorefans: Today’s fan comes from Spain, And loves That’s What You Get, So here is @93Eric_Portugal, His heart for Paramore has been…

  6. @hellaradyelyah Thank you Kait. You’re wonderful


  8. Uhh didn’t After Laughter come out on the 12th? Why is everyone tweeting it’s a year ago today?

  9. @BethanyShone Thank you Bethany

  10. @rachelantonia_ @paramorefans https://t.co/FOj7dpEGL4

  11. RT @echoessfading: opening up about my mental illness is hard but this project really helped me understand myself more.. if u wanna read ab…

  12. RT @paramorefans: It’s been a month since Parahoy, When you were all on a boat, So for your After Laughter fix, Read what @mollyklabik wrot…

  13. RT @paramorefans: It’s more After Laughter, We have @_lunarwolfe_ on Day Five, We don’t pre-write these, Fu*k it, We’re doing it live! http…

  14. @victorttejada Hey! Yes of course!

  15. Really sweet that Hayley is diggin these! Really looking forward to showing the rest throughout May. https://t.co/4H4hSGH3Zn

  16. @Alan_Burrows I am dude thanks alot! Really enjoying watching the fight & passion within our team this year.

  17. @SWEparamore Hope you’re well Marie! Sending you hugs and lots of positive vibes

  18. Healthy eating starts today. I WILL lose this beer belly before New York

  19. Did NOT expect new Riverdale to start with You’ll Never Walk Alone

  20. Mind-boggling to sub off Salah as everything was going through him. Suddenly it's 5-2 and Roma are back in it. Mental fae Klopp imo.

  21. @n0sanctuary That’s so good! ☺️ We should definitely try meet up and say hello when we’re there ☺️

  22. @mcjess1991 Hi! If you’re interested please DM me a paragraph about what After Laughter means to you plus a photo r… https://t.co/iVrppxp1e1

  23. Whit year is this and why is it happening again https://t.co/eyK4uOQhqj

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