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Status Updates posted by Echelonforever

  1. Looking for dogs to adopt (:

  2. Hmm.. I wanna name the dog I adopt after Ian or the ISF somehow..

  3. No one is online; boyfriend is asleep. This is fun. Not.

  4. Dear college refund, please come tomorrow. I really want my Yorkie.

  5. Also might be getting 3 of the TVD books, and a TVD book signed by Ian(:

  6. Getting my hair cut tomorrow D:

  7. Trying to clean out some PSD's. I have 1116 D:

  8. Someone buy me and Edward Scissorhands poster, please. I will love you forever.

  9. I must say I'm really annoyed with life at the moment.

  10. Cut my finger open on the plastic wrap. Lovely.

  11. I miss my long hair so much ):

  12. Hey hun let me be the first to post on your wall :)

  13. good ,but kinda disapointed with new boards

  14. i 'like them too, but also they are to confusing for me atm

  15. just go to my settings and then to profile and you should see the option manage twitter conection :)

  16. Hello!

    It was very good, thanks! :) Hows your week been?

  17. haha, awh. haven't you been on?

  18. omg i am to confused by this pm's do you have to go tru 3 pages to see what someone posted or am i just stupid

  19. i officially hate it :( can you come to msn please i need to ask you something

  20. Hayyy guuurl :]

    the new boards are pretty neat huh?

  21. Ohh, that's awesome ;D Yeah that's what i was looking for, and for your other question, it doesnt matter if they're just musicians or singers, it could be anyone as long as they're known and not just someone off of myspace or google. in some images, would it be ok if they're was some of the ..well i dont know what it's called, like for example your signature, how they...

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