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Posts posted by Defiance

  1. No one is being a 'cunt', they are just stating their opinions. If no one gave a shit then why are people replying to them? You're also having your say so why aren't you taking your own advice to 'fuck off out of the thread'?




  2. yep will do :) I don't really know when I'm next seeing her though. Everyone is advising me not to have contact with her cause it gets me too upset. Thats pretty shit considering she's my best friend but I spose I'll just have to deal with it =/


    that sucks man, but we dont want you to get upset as well do we, dont need to be dealing with two people n that.

  3. She's being permanently discharged on Thursday and I think she'll be coming into school the week before easter. She's physically better but emotionally she's still the same. I think she might be getting some sort of therapy soon so hopefully things will improve :)


    well thats kinda good news i guess :) but i do hope she gets better, send her mah loves cause i miss her :)

  4. Well, tbh she doesn't exactly deserve to be "respected" per say. It sucks for her family, and they have my condolences. But that doesn't change the fact that she epitomised everythign that is wrong with modern society/entertainment.


    Not everyone who dies is a martyr- just because she's been plastered all over the fucking television doesn't mean she gains my respect or sympathy, and I'm not going to pretend that it does like 90% of people.


    i agree with that, as i said i dont really care as she has nothing to do with me, but people HOPING for her death is just wrong, im indifferent to it.

  5. Tbh, I didn't like her much as a person, but this is still very sad.

    It's never nice when anyone dies, and all you asses saying how you don't give a shit, have some fucking respect.

    She did this for her boys. She went on Big Brother, and the British public made her famous. She had a chance to make money and she took it, like most people would. Yes she milked it in the beginning of her fame but she made money. When she found out she was terminal she did it for her children and family.

    And although she couldn't keep her own life she managed to save plenty of other women by raising awareness about cervical cancer.


    R.I.P Jade.


    WORD, dont like her n all that but she was only helping her kids in the long run, i dont really care its got nout to do with me, but when people are actually like hoping for her death, thats just sick.

  6. Ok... I know you're all gonna hate me for this, and I know she did stuff with cancer etc. but I don't know why this is such a big deal... Don't get me wrong, any loss of human life is terrible, but people die of cancer all the time... Her biggest achievment was winning BB... That shouldn't make you a national celebrity, and she didn't help herself when she went back in for Celeb BB either...


    But I am so sorry for her family and their loss


    Feel free to hate me now



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