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Status Updates posted by 777

  1. did you win anything, then?

    boredom sucks. i've been bored a lot lately. going to the movies today though (:

    and dude, you joined on my birthday, i've never noticed that before.

  2. You're leaving? :(

    Oh.. okay then.. :)

  3. Haha,how could you forget? :D

  4. Haha,yeah. Don't worry,I won't give up drinking tea,haha. :D But it's just that I need something to keep me awake.

  5. I've been drinking a lot of coffee lately,haha. So yeah,I guess I like it now,haha. With loads of sugar and milk,of course :D



    I want some,haha.


  7. I'm not drinking any coffee at the moment :shifty:

  8. That's cool :D

    I guess,haha.

  9. Aren't you tired? I don't even know how to play poker,haha. ;s

  10. Yeah,haha.

    I'm so going to waste my time today. I have nothing to do,nothing to watch,nothing to read,haha. :neutral:

  11. I see!

    i don't understand poker, haha. but losing your moneh is no good! i can(or could at least) play blackjack before, not sure if i still remember it though.

  12. It's annoying. Oh well,I can't really do anything to change the situation... unfortunately.

  13. I wouldn't use the word mature. But damn it,I can take care of myself and I don't do stupid things. And I would've been with a group of at least 11 people.

    What are they going to say when I'm 18? "Oh,you're not going to university in the UK,you're only 18"?! :neutral:

  14. Meh. It annoys me so much. It's not like I'm 12 :neutral:

  15. I wanted to go :( My parents didn't let me go,of course.

    "Where do you think you're going,you're 16". Mright.

  16. Haha.

    I'm going to die of boredom. Fact. My friends have all gone to the seaside,haha. :neutral:

  17. No,I'm not going to sleep. I never sleep during the day,haha. ;s I'll just drink some coffee. That should keep me awake,haha.

  18. Haha :P

    Oh well. I should really get some sleep,haha. I can barely concentrate and there are so many things I have to do. Damn.

  19. I got used to it. Damn it,haha,I posted the message without finishing it,haha.

  20. Pretty much. I didn't sleep last night,but meh,I

  21. Yeah,haha. It could've been a lot worse. Oh well. I'll get over it somehow.

  22. Well,all my problems started when I got robbed,like 3 weeks ago. And I know it might not be such a big deal for you,haha,but it had an effect on me. I haven't really slept since then. If I fall asleep,I either get nightmares or I don't get more than 3-4 hours of sleep,haha. And fights and stuff. It's pretty annoying.

  23. Eh, so-so really. Yourself? (:

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