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Posts posted by Ashhh

  1. I read through 400 emails and picked random questions. Both the band and us had a lot of fun doing it and hanging out, so I guess what's really all that matters.


    It's hard for me to ask questions like "do you feel like you've grown up with this album" I think stuff like that is a total waste of time. Of course they have. Of course they love this new album. Of course it's amazing and you're all going to love it. Of course they're going to get asked that question 500 more times in the next 500 interviews they do. And we did talk about serious stuff. They announced who they're taking on tour, who's doing their new music video, what their favorite songs are on BNE, why they chose Ignorance, why they chose Ryan for the artwork, etc.


    Hayley played me the album and it's awesome... seriously awesome. There isn't anything to ask about it. You just need to hear it, ya know?


    It's just really sad to me that we worked to get this, let you guys send in questions, drove 10 hours there and 10 back, edited it all together and the response is negative on these forums and positive everywhere else. Lame. (and I don't mean everyone, just select people)

  2. Oh wow thats awesome :), i will send my e-mail now


    how will we know if our e-mail will be asked?

    Not sure how much time we'll have and everything... so I guess it'll be a surprise when we post the video :)


    Is there a limit on how many questions we are allowed to ask?

    No official limit, I won't be asking everything everyone submits though as there just won't be enough time.


    Is it gonna be the whole band??

    Not sure exactly who it's going to be yet. At least a couple people or full band.. don't know.


    Ooh, this is awesome : D


    Should we write our names at the end, or doesn't it matter? :]

    Doesn't matter, you can if you'd like. :)

  3. Hey everyone,


    I'll be doing a video interview with the band next Monday! The plan is to ask a bunch of fan questions because this is a fansite, so now it's your turn to interview the band. Please email your questions to paramorefans@gmail.com


    "Please come to *your city*", "Hayley will you marry me", and overly personal questions are discouraged and will probably be deleted, sorry.


    Thanks guys :)



    Note: It's cool if you wanna post your questions here but please email them as well so I for sure have them all in one place and ready to take with me. Thanksss. :)

  4. I'll be on a school trip in Berlin when they play in Berlin...

    According to Google Maps the venue is an hour away walking from where we'll be staying.

    Fuck (yeah?).

    It'd be enormous awesome if I could sneak out.

    oh my god! you gotta find a way! that'd be awesome :]

  5. We mostly host downloads of live stuff, so we have permission from the owner and that's totally fine to download. Totally legal.


    If you're scared, I would just stay away from TV interviews and things as we don't actually have permission from the corporations to use their video [like the MTV commercials or TRL for example], but the band and their management is fine with us having it up for download (or else we wouldn't have it up).

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