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Everything posted by Wildman

  1. Finally getting internet at home! Cable too. Finally... I feel like I just left the 20th century. U-Verse ftw!

  2. So I just found out that TDWP and Blink-182 are releasing their new albums the same day. Could anything be any more perfect?

  3. I'm glad my hair is growing back, I don't think that I'll need a haircut for another year or so.

  4. For some reason I'm listening to the Millionaires... Idk, their music is terribly catchy...

  5. I confess that this girl I like keeps talking about her insecurites on Facebook, I know she's doing it for the attention and I want to tell her how I feel about her so she can stop with posting those damn insecurities. I just need some fucking balls to say something to her... But my plan is to get to hang out with her and just lay it on her with how I feel and hope it just works that way because those insecurities are beginning to irritate me.
  6. Man it's a little too hot today...

  7. I confess that a lot of things suck right now.
  8. Oh, I forgot to mention, I'm a polygamist. Light's is also my wife too. Haha! Lmao. Another one of my many wives: Jess Bowen from TSS
  9. I'm trying to think of a question to send to Lights on her website and I can't think of anything.

  10. Finally, this thread is bumped! I recently fell in love with Anissa Rodriguez from Eyes Set To Kill. She's going to be my new wifey.
  11. There goes my band, right down the fucking drain. Dae-Dae, he's one of my best friends and he's the singer/guitarist, he's fucking bailing on all of us and fucking moving to Idaho with his girlfriend... And get this, he's been with her for only 3 fucking weeks. It's ultimatly going to fuck him over because relationships with this guy just don't last. He's so damn eager to fall in love that he's willing to drop everything to be with this girl who's no good in the first place. I mean, I like her and everything, but I wouldn't ever date her, she's somewhat of a pothead and she's 3 years younger than the both of us. Okay, yeah, I'm more-or-less just ranting about him, to be honest he destroyed the band because he's the one that started it all in the first place, so he's screwing the rest 3 of us over. It's so stupid what he's doing and I know he's only going to regret it sooner or later. Also, Idaho... Seriously? What the fuck is in Idaho?
  12. ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ Sorry, I just dropped my bag of Doritos

  13. ^ I confess that I'm at a fork in the road with no place to go.
  14. I wanna buy new pick-ups for my bass and get it rewired, the wiring was faulty to begin with. But before that, I'mma need a new amp, I blew mine out. Gah, I wish I had some disposable money!

  15. And that's why the Devil Wears Prada is my favourite band.

  16. Oh man, that sounds good. Though even if I went to Warped, my friends would want to see the mellower bands. I'd be lucky to see that many metal bands, haha.
  17. I don't think I've ever wanted anything more in my life than this.

  18. Lucky son of a blarf. I wanted to see them, but I missed Warped... Again.
  19. I'm listening to some Scary Kids Scaring Kids... Man it's been so long since I've listened to them, they were so great!

  20. So when I first logged in, facebook told me that someone from Japan was trying to log into my account... What's with people messing with my accounts lately...

  21. I see what you're say. I agree with you on the order of my phrases I have made several changes to this since I have posted this. Any you can view it however you want, what you think is correct it probably is, as the same if someone else looked at it. As for your posting damn, that's just too good. I never expect anything less whenever you post your material. This one in particular is deeper than a lot of the ones you've posted recently (somewhat).
  22. I confess that I was thinking about both this site and facebook that I typed facebook.com/boards into the browser, lol.
  23. I need new headphones, iPod headphones suck. My left bud is louder than the right and sometimes it sounds like it's halfway plugged in, it's so gay.

  24. I don't want to walk home in this heat!

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