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Everything posted by Wildman

  1. I confess that I have a date this Friday. I mean, O don't like this girl as much as the other girl, but I'm just going to see how it goes.
  2. I confess that I wish Faith would come back, I miss her.
  3. I confess, Guro, Shannon, Victoria and Patrick! This is awesome!
  4. ^ Lmao. I confess that I don't get it, on facebook she liked my last post, but she wont talk to me in any other case. Wtf?
  5. Yeah, I can't do that and if she's like that I cannot expect to have a good relationship with her anyway. Wanna know something funny? I just spent 150 dollars on a new phone and better service just so I could talk to her more, since I got my phone she hasn't ever texted me or texted me back. Such bullshit.
  6. Oh, disregard three typos in my last post, I'm on mobile.
  7. I confess that I just give up. I think it's worthless to keep trying, she obviously has just own issues, whatever they may be, to attend to that don't involve me. I've been nothing but nice to her. I'm sick and I'm done. Sorry if I sounded like an asshole, that's honestly how I feel. Over really just giving up, she won't talk back to me. I give it off more week, and if I hear nothing it's just over, I can't pursue if I know I can't get back on return.
  8. Personally, I've never liked the look on anyone. I can't say I like it all. tbh
  9. Maybe you're right. But ever since we exchanged numbers, we've been texting every day, except for yesterday and maybe today. I keep thinking of scenarios, whether it's my fault or hers, idk. I think I need some mental help, literally.
  10. I just texted her my new number... She's one of the only people that hasn't texted me back yet... This is starting to urk me. I have no idea what I could have possibly done wrong to make her not want to text me back...
  11. I confess that we didn't talk yesterday, and I feel a little depressed about it. I texted her once and I never got a reply back, and it's not like I'm going to text her again in the same day because I didn't get a response, that would make me seem too impatient. I don't know, maybe I'll wait til she texts me?
  12. I confess that slowly and surely, I will be with her. I text her almost every day, she must know by now that I like her with all the hints that I drop.
  13. Yup. Little Lion Man - Mumford and Sons?
  14. ^ Lol. I confess that this update is throwing me off. We should switch back to vBulletin.
  15. Aww, thank you SO much! Slowly and surely I know I can do it! I confess that I'm not digging this update... It cropped my avatar so it only has Anissa's mid-section. Makes me seem all perverted an shit.
  16. Now that the thermostat is fixed, it's too damn hot in my house!

  17. I CONFESS DOUBLE POST! I fucking met her! It was the best minute and a half of my life! This is how it went down. She gave me her address to drop off the camera, so I went over around 8 PM. I texted her; told her I was outside, she came out, looking too beautiful. She asked me if it was raining outside, I responded, "I think it was." I gave the camera to her, I told her of the few problems with it she said that she could talk to her photo teacher about it. Then, this is the best part, she hugged me. My Lord, it was the most amazing thing I have felt in my life thus far. We said good night to each other, and then I left. I was planning on asking her to come eat with me and some friends, but that never came up. It would have been a bad idea anyway. Oh man, her voice was so perfect, nothing like I would have expected. I expected her to have some sort of Mexican accent, but she didn't. My lord, I can't get her voice out of my head. She's more than I can ever want. I'm just praying that she likes me back the same way that I like her. *end rave*
  18. My Dad is so cool... I want to be just like him when I grow up

  19. I confess that I'm writing a song on bass using slapping. |-----------6----------9-8-| |------6-----------9-------| |-------4p0---------0h7----| |-0h4p0-------0h7p0--------| |------------------------------------------------| |------------------------------------------------| |-----------------5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5----------------| |-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9----------------1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-| That's what I have so far.
  20. Just bought an Android Galaxy 2 of off Ebay for 60 bucks, chyah! I can't wait til it comes and I have a new phone!

  21. Thadius Estevan Campos, next time you're out here bring my guitar, I need it so badly!

  22. I hope so too. I confess that she needed a 35mm camera, and I happen to have a Canon AE-1 laying around my house, I told her that I'd give it to her.
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