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Posts posted by MSkeleton

  1. I ripped all of my posters and stuff from my wall when I heard the first news.

    I was so angry en confused and hurt.

    But I putted them all back now, and I understand both statements.

    And like all the other people say, I just can't understand that Hayley but also Josh talk about each other with so much hurtfull things, because they were together in the past. And I don't understand how you can talk about someone who you loved.

    But im glad Paramore wanted to make it all clear, and we can see their face expressions and all that stuff. Because people can type something on the internet but you cant see and know what they really feel about it. And in the intervieuw you can really see that it hurt them so much. Especially Taylor looks really sad. But im glad paramore stays a band. And this is just a knew fresh start and maybe it will be a good thing or not. We will see <3

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