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{Alice Cullen}

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Posts posted by {Alice Cullen}

  1. i can't wait until the new episode! Why do they have to make us wait so long! Grrr..


    oh and i met Ian Somerhalder last weekend, he is truly an amazing person. His eyes are really beautiful in person and he gave me a kiss on the cheek! I almost died, but i thanked him for everything he does-helping animals, the environment and being an awesome actor :)

    i still can't believe that i met him! :willy_nilly:

  2. Space Dust


    No matter how many tears

    The earth cries

    Doesn't matter

    As to the number of the wishes

    Nothing will bring you back

    The clouds beneath your feet

    And the stars themselves at your neck

    With nothingness as your seat

    The skies and our love

    Still lay beneath your feet


    You found out the secret

    And why they keep it

    The dead themselves

    Without the alive to see it

    We're here we're the living

    You're on your journey

    On a loop of light





    That's for anyone who knows someone very dear that has died.

    that's beautiful <3

  3. I like the smell of permanent marker.

    I like to eat and watch TV at the same time.

    I wear too many hair accessories

    I get stressed out easy

    I am on medication

    I like oranges

    I have the hiccups

    Pink is my favorite color

    I have been in a hurricane (DNW Hurricane's ever again! Ike was horrible :( )

    I know a Melanie.

    I wish too much

    I get pizza delivered to my house a lot

    I work

    I think about strange things

    I had spaghetti sometime this week

    I have never ridden in an airplane

    I sing in the shower

    I like to take bubble baths

    Long nails are scary

    My car has neon lights

    I feel cute right now

    My bus driver is a woman.

    I don't hate anyone

    I am very optimistic

    I have a security system in my house

    I've had shin splints before

    I have gone out of country for a camp before

    Candles are all over my house

    The lights are on in the room I am in.

    I watch Sports Center

    I have a Hallmark card

    I sew

    I suck at cooking yet still do it

    Yellowcard is a good band.

    I bought the Click Five CD

    Personality tests are fun to take.

    I go invisible online a lot

    I am always thinking about the future

    I saw "Wedding Crashers" in theaters

    Lindsay Lohan is a good actress

    My head itches.

    I can't go anywhere without my phone

    My friends think they're better than me

    I think I'm better than my friends

    Everything happens for a reason

    I have lied today

    Tan is the color of my house

    I draw hearts a lot

    Too many people ask me for rides

    Valentine's Day is my favorite holiday

    I like mint chocolate chip ice cream

    Praying mantis' are cool looking

    I keep a lot of things private

    My birthday is within the next month

    I have had a song played just for me

    I have been white water rafting

    I have never kissed a guy

    It is earlier than 8 in the morning

    I listen to Relient K

    I have an indoor job

    I have a digital camera

    I have a few things playing on my mind

    I am a very paranoid person

    I own some pink underwear

    I hate summer

    I have seen the DaVinci Code

    I have read it

    I need a haircut

    The part I like least about my body are my boobs

    I am rarely ever serious

    I can't speak any other language but my own

    My teeth aren't white

    I want to have black hair

    I have a tanned complexion

    People say I'm somewhat of a hippy

    When I was little I used to watch "Rugrats" religiously

    I am a tomboy

    Some people seem to think they can treat me like a doormat

    I have a small nose

    I only have one pair of shoes

    Someone I knew recently died

    I am a writer

    I would kiss someone I hated for $10,000

    My hair is dirty blonde

    I hate camping

    I like dark imagery

    Sometimes I hear voices in my head

    I love the movie Braveheart

    I cleaned my room today

    I love musicals

    I have been seriously burnt before

    My dog has viciously bitten me before

    I hate dogs

    I own something striped

    Last Christmas was my best ever

    I sometimes wear hair bands

    I love smokey eye makeup

    I want to be seduced

    I love to read

    I love fancy jewelry

    I have bags beneath my eyes

    I only ever wear make up when I go out

    I am watching TV right now

    what's the point to algebra, trignometry, calculus, etc. anyway?

    I have a laptop

    I still like reading picture books

    I have friends who are more than 5 years younger than me

    AIM sucks

    I take the pens and notepads from hotels

    Negative people suck

    I love oxymorons

    I have never had a cavity

    I don't know what I want to be when I grow up

    I get carsick easily

    I ALWAYS seem to get stuck behind the screaming kid on airplanes

    I've never been on an airplane

    I'm a chronic procrastinator

    The Band is a really unorginal band name

    I don't find many horror movies scary

    I <3 the Muppets

    The Mona Lisa is the most overrated painting ever

    I have been pushed into a pool before

    With all my clothes on

    I secretly like some 80s pop songs

    I don't like writing

    I know what a gerund is

    I don't care about gerunds

    I follow politics

    I follow fashion

    I follow the leader

    I AM the leader

    i'm rad

    I love neon colors

    I love southern drawls (only on some guys ie. Christian Kane)

    I can tell the difference between Irish, British, and Australian accents

    I am British!

    I have gotten spam for Viagra

    I have won something from a radio station

    I won't read a book if it's longer than 300 pages

    Pants are good. Wear them.

    I always leave the "Friends" section of surveys blank

    Because I have no friends

    I like happy endings

  4. No cash darling. So I can't :P Unless they're still showing that stuff at the end of the month.

    ah i see, too bad you don't live here..i'd make you go with me and i would pay for your ticket :mrgreen:

    and i'm pretty sure they will be 8-)

  5. was actually going to try to see this...but saw Ninja Assasin instead.




    Terrible fucking movie.


    I'm sure New Moon would be much better.

    i thought about seeing that movie

    and i'm glad i didn't



    New Moon is amazing, go see it :)

  6. I have a step or half sibling.

    I have velvet pants.

    I have a t-shirt from a museum exhibit.

    I’ve been to Dunkin’ Donuts before.

    I’ve been on the subway.

    I usually get movies from the library.

    I’m scared of heights.

    I should be asleep right now.

    I have something that smells like mint.

    I have spare batteries.

    My speakers are off right now.

    My computer is in my bedroom.

    I only have one blanket on my bed.

    I own or have owned a teddy bear.

    I’ve memorized Bohemian Rhapsody.

    I’ve played Runescape.

    I like to make lists.

    I’ve listened to the Beach Boys.

    I am very flexible.In bookstores, I walk around with my head tilted sideways.

    I’m wearing a hoodie.

    I know a lot of weird facts.

    I’ve watched Nightmare on Elm Street before.

    I know what papillon means in English.

    Sufjan Stevens makes me happy.

    I wish my nose was smaller.

    Who lives in North Dakota, anyway?

    I like to eat goldfish.

    I get at least three e-mails per day.

    I smile a lot.

    I use “however” instead of “but” when writing an essay.

    I’ve seen The Breakfast Club.

    I’ve had a burping contest with someone.And I won the contest.

    I like sharing books with my friends.

    I usually recognize the poets my English teacher talks about.A stranger has given me a high five for no reason.

    I’ve been to a Harry Potter book release party.

    I usually need to be reminded to eat.

    I have tiny hands.

    I like to look for shapes in the plaster on my ceiling.I prefer pencils to pens.

    I write on my hands when I need to remember something.

    I’ve been to a roller skating rink.

    I own a piece of clothing that is rainbow patterned.

    I own a piece of clothing with skulls on it.

    I am extremely patient.

    I wish I could dance well.

    I’ve been to an ice skating rink.

    I have a lot of trouble falling asleep at night.

    I’ve been on the high honor roll.

    I have a purse with flowers on it.

    I love to people watch.

    I’ve written an acrostic poem.

    I have bad posture.

    I’ve fallen asleep in class.

    I am very easily embarrassed.

    I liked to make up stories when I was a kid.

    Whenever I ride my bike, I’m tempted to start singing Bicycle Race.

    I take prescription creams/face washes/pills for acne.

    I drink milk daily.

    I’ve been told I act like I’m on drugs.

    I’ve been told I look like I’m on drugs.

    I have my hair up in a bun.

    I own something Beatles-related.

    I don’t use the caps lock key often.

    I have very strong opinions.

    I love to eat grinders.

    I don’t call long sandwiches grinders.

    Teachers have asked me if I’m depressed.More than once.I don’t care what you think of me.

    I have a toothache.

    Wonderwall is my “I like someone” song.

    There’s a book beside or on my bed.

    I hate innuendo.

    I really admire improvisational comedians.

    I don’t like gym class.

    I am going to do better this academic year.

    I don’t use the word fag. Ever.

    I’ve been told I have a beautiful singing voice.

    I can read Shakespeare without translations.

    I adore English class.

    I know what the kinsey scale is.

    I read more than one book at a time.

    I love places that sell dollar-a-cup coffee.

    The Magic School Bus taught me a lot.

    I liked to dance on the kitchen table as a kid. (well the table in my Grandma's backyard)

  7. hahah I see yesterdays hasn't closed it's book yet on your dad. Time doesn't fade the pages.



    Why am I talking like that you wonder? I'm booooored.




    no yesterday is still hanging around taunting him with the past



    nothing is wrong with talking like that!

  8. Anyway, I always wondered what smoking weed with my parents would be like. Like back when they were young?

    my Dad still smokes weed every now and then...i've never smoked with him though. I can tell you that we would be listening to The Who eating popcorn and talking about how my generation is to materialistic and shit.

    hah i love my Daddy

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