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Everything posted by EddieDean

  1. I love family guy, think it's gone down hill lately though.
  2. Just one more distraction to add to the many things that take my concentration away from college lol
  3. I'm Dan XD Only joined yesterday lol How you doin'?
  4. My summers tend to get worse and worse, they'll start with like, me going to bed at 3am, and end up with me pulling an all nighter every other night
  5. I tend to go to bed about 3 on a saturday night, last night was like 4
  6. I'll probably post all day saturdays, all day mondays, afternoons till like 12 on every other day they're my times of being most bored
  7. yeah i know lol, the whole time i've been on here so far there's been someone to talk to, a few people infact
  8. Lol I've pushed my limits in way too many places, I like it here though so no pushing my luck this time
  9. can get on peoples nerves I tend to avoid it lol because when i start i can't stop
  10. Spamming somewhere you hate = Good fun Spamming somewhere you like = kinda dumb lol
  11. they're all like "WTF HOW DO YOU TYPE SO MUCH WITHOUT GETTIN B&????"
  12. Spamming is easy, I used to do it all the time in some chat room, pisses people off if you know the way around the filters.
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