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Everything posted by batxcore

  1. ace <333333/ i thankfully saw TEN before they broke up. but i love anything which involves him. he's so nice too. im going to post my pictures i took of him in an hour or so, just need to upload them
  2. im sorry ! they added more dates to the ticket to hell tour, and i get to see them twice !
  3. batxcore


    ive been a fan since early '04. but im also a few years older then you. so i wouldnt expect you to be into them as long as me haha
  4. batxcore


    the black parade tour was the first time i was able to see them, it was amazing.
  6. batxcore


    Theyre touring with paramore, so i think you all should listen to them haha. No Doubt has been my favorite band for the past 12 years. When everyone was listening to n*sync and backstreet boys in elementary school my mom had me listening to no doubt and blink 182 haha. Gwen Stefani is my biggest inspiration and their music is just amazing. Please tell me I'm not the only No Doubt fan I also did kind of die when I heard Paramore was opening for them. and I heard it directly from Adrian Young about 2 weeks before it was officially announced. I was already dying meeting him, then the paramore and omg I cried after haha. Let's talk about No Doubt !
  7. hahaha really? it was for the warped tour issue of kerrang in 06. then i think ill just be happy with that picture
  8. okay i have quite the request, and probably it cant be filled, but ill try does anyone have any other pictures from this photo shoot. aiden, sonny and paramore are my three favorite bands and well i kinda hate myself for not finding this magazine when it was out. kerrang is really hard to find here. i know when this was out, sonny was in fftl. they were my favorite back then, until his solo and that took over.
  9. yeah, thats good. i couldnt wait. i got mine done when i was 15 hah. it was hard finding a piercer that was clean and sterile, but would pierce me not being 16. mind over matter. ill just think it doesnt hurt when they do it haha
  10. Thanksss! just get what you want its your body! he will get used to them. i got told how terrible id look, and hell he took me back to get my second one! hahaha i want dermal anchors in my wrists. im so excited to get those. hahaha yeah i go alllllllllllll out.
  11. Show me yours- Breathe Carolina hahahahah im trying to be 'cool' in todays crowd of people.
  12. impacted wisdom teeth SUCKED. mine were removed really early so they were really high up so they cut open the side of my gum. but i heal REALLY fast. like my mouth takes about 4 days to heal from anything. the mouth heals VERY fast. but thanks
  13. haha i wont feel any of it ill be knocked out. like im stoked for the next one so much. the last one i was pretty scared over, but now im over that fear. im not stoked for having my jaw wired shut but im on such heavy pain meds after that i could care less to what is happening . i will be in the hospital for like a week after the next one since ill be wired or banded shut for 6 days and eating is hard so they want to watch you to make sure you eat.
  14. i have an underbite. and had a extremely narrow jaw. the first surgery ( i dont count having wisdom teeth removed as a surgery) was to cut open and expand my top jaw. that wasnt fun haha. i still dont have alot of feeling of my top lip. but omg chewing is like this new thing i found. i used to eat by 'chewing' with my tounge. i never used my teeth since my top teeth pretty much went inside my bottom teeth. the next surgery they break my jaw and push my bottom jaw back. after it, ill have the 'perfect aligned' face. kinda excited about that
  15. thanks guys my lip piercings i want on the other side, but nobody will pierce me since i had jaw surgery so recently and have to another so in like 4 months ill have those piercings on the other side too . but in the mean time im going to get dermal anchors in my wrist. random, is there a body mod/art thread here?
  16. i hate bug eye glasses, i wear them as a joke. like if im going to wear them because theyre cool, im going all out. hahaha
  17. thats me by myself haha. sorry to bring the ugliness here
  18. i wish i could find out who was supporting here. sadly, aiden always has really shitty openers here.
  19. ill upload them later. probably just to flickr so ill post them here .
  20. thanks i notice you have ace as your icon<--- i had some of him too which i might get around to posting, they just werent that good. ace is so nice and so amazing.
  21. i have lots. i suggest adding my photo myspace, that has the most. http://www.myspace.com/batxcorephotography, but my flickr has the best quality but not as many http://www.flickr.com/photos/batxcore i might take pictures of them in may, idk if i want to go insane in the crowd though.
  22. i have lots. i suggest adding my photo myspace, that has the most. http://www.myspace.com/batxcorephotography, but my flickr has the best quality but not as many http://www.flickr.com/photos/batxcore i might take pictures of them in may, idk if i want to go insane in the crowd though.
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