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Everything posted by Candice_Lee

  1. Here's us doing a cover of Paparazzi by the wonderful Lady Gaga.
  2. Hey everyone! Well we had our first ever gig last Wednesday. It wasn't a bad turn out and nothing went drastically wrong, so not bad at all. I've posted some videos up on youtube..... http://www.youtube.com/user/enemyplanetmusic Please go and take a look, and if you have a youtube account please rate and comment if you so wish! Constructive criticism welcome, I know I sound like a bit of a plonker when I'm talking and I will be working on that, aswell as my lack of cool. Cheers guys!
  3. Did anyone else understand any of that???
  4. she was! seriously, you know those big long piano stools you can normally fit about 3 people on? her arse took up the whole thing. and she broke a chair once by sitting on it. and thanks, I know I'm not the most technically efficient singer, and I have quite a limited range, but I do the best with what I have.
  5. one indie myspace band coming up....... http://www.myspace.com/enemyplanetmusic OMG!!!!!! that's like, soooooo funny! Two people having the same name, my goodness, who'd have thought!!! Hilarious!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Awww damn man, you read my mind, that's exactly what I was gonna do next! Thanks for all the welcomes peeps.
  7. South Park is the greatest TV show of all time. Ever. Period. I have every series, and my bf and I watch an ep or 2 before we go to bed every night, kinda like a bedtiome story. My fave eps are "Mecha-Streisand", "Super Best Friends", "Scot Tenorman must Die", "How To Eat With Your Butt", "All About The Mormons", "Good Times With Weapons", "AWESOM-O", "Woodland Critter Christmas", "Ginger Kids", "Trapped In The Closet", "Hell On Earth 2006", "Guitar Queer-O". Hell I love all of them, these ones are just extra special to me. Best Cartman quote:- "If you had a chance right now to go back in time and stop Hitler, wouldn't you do it? I mean, I personally wouldn't stop him because I think he was awesome, but you would, right?"
  8. I love this movie, it's superbly made. I love superhero movies in general, but this is an exceptional one.
  9. It's a Welsh thing. A lot of my friends say it.
  10. Just started reading the book, over half way through now. I'll probably go check out the movie 'cause I really like Eric Bana and Rachel McAdams, not sure if they'll keep the storyline exactly the same though.
  11. Well no I'm not really the Walrus. But I may be the eggman. So I'm following Harry's sage wisdom by introducing myself here. I am Candice, I'm Welsh but now live in London. I only recently got into Paramore, thanks to the awesome Twilight soundtrack. But I'm loving what I've heard so far. I'll make a bit more effort to post more, but I'm not really a post-a-lot person. I'm also very argumentative so please don't get offended or take personally what I have to say, I just like making my opinions know. Well guess that'll do for an intro, if anyone wants to know anything else about me (not that you would, but just in case) feel free to ask.
  12. Well when I was 14 my Mum said she'd let me have singing lessons, so I went to this horrible big fat lesbian for a couple of months who I hated because she made me sing just in my head voice (falsetto) which sounds awful and I didn't get anywhere so I quit. Apart from that no formal training, just pointers from music teachers in school and people I know. Done a few musicals in school and some am dram theatre in my teens so I've done a variety of different styles. But I feel much more comfortable singing stuff I've written for obvious reasons, ie I write for my voice and range.
  13. Well the thing is Harry I love forums, I'm a member of a few and I love reading through them, I'm just not the sort of person who posts alot. I don't really see the point of saying something just for the sake of saying something, which a lot of people seem to do. So I apologise for not introducing myself or posting anything else, but it's just not me. Plus I'm a bit too opinionated and argumentative, I've gotten myself thrown off a couple of forums just because the admins haven't liked what I've said or the topics I bring up, so I've just resigned myself to merrily reading what others have to say, and posting the odd comment when I feel I can. I will try and get the equipment list off the other guys and post up soon, I'm afraid being the singer I don't really pay much attention to specifics with equipment.
  14. This was basically so we could get our stuff on myspace etc, and also to send out to venues to get gigs, and to send to magazines/internet sites etc to get reviews. If it ever got to the point where people wanted to buy our music, I don't think I'd sell this ep as is, I'd probably go back to studio to get a better sound and put more tracks down.
  15. Ross, we just paid a set amount for the 2 days. We figured out beforehand how many songs we thought we could do in the time, and it worked out just about right. It was actually over 8 hours on the first day, but Pat, the owner of the studio, is really cool and is more interested in getting a good sound than clock watching. Harry, s'ok, we're all proven wrong at some point, makes it even sweeter when we're right! Thanks for your kind comments, especially considering your musical tastes. I'm actually more of a metal head myself in terms of what I listen to, don't know why when I write it turns out like that!
  16. Ah Harry, how wrong you are! Just had a busy few days is all, sorry for not responding immediately! the1, we were in the studio for 2 whole days about 8 hours each day and it was £600.
  17. Hi there! I'd really appreciate it if you could take just a few minutes to check out my band. We've just finished recording a 5 track demo in the studio and would love to know what you think! http://www.myspace.com/enemyplanetmusic If you like our tunes add us as a friend and leave a message letting us know what you think! Many thanks, Candice xxx
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