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Everything posted by Rachley

  1. dear ____, I really don't understand you, you just strike up an argument after months. it really makes me laugh how 1) you can't even say stuff to my face. 2) you got your best friend to do it, and that didn't work 3) you haven't moved on with your life. clearly, you're still thinking about things that were said. why can't you just leave it? cause quite frankly, it's so pathetic. I have more important issues on my mind. - Rachel.
  2. When you've always been there for someone, and when you need them, they're gone, or they just ignore you.
  3. dear grandad, get better soon <3 -Rachel x
  4. I confess I wish some people wouldn't make mistakes as much as they do.
  5. I'm keeping everyone in my thoughts and prayers <3 This is terrible
  6. I'm sure judging by the length of the interview, they could talk about popcorn for a while :') Awh, but really, it's the best interview I've seen in a while, and they look really happy :]
  7. I love this interview! They're so funny, I laughed at loud at some points, thanks for asking three of my questions, it made me really happy for them to have answered them :] <3
  8. I'm going to say that it's not Hayley, because she doesn't have her nose.
  9. I confess I'm getting nervous for exam results, despite results day being a month away.
  10. Yeah, apparently MTV said so.. But the more I think about it, the less likely it will be true. I'm just gonna wait until it's announced on paramore.net :]
  11. ^ I'll help Happy Birthday Keith! I confess Harry Potter. Omg. I can't even. I just cried all the way through, because I'm weird like that.
  12. ^ Congrats! So happy for you :]
  13. ^ That's lucky! I never win anything on the lottery :') I confess I'm bored out of my mind!
  14. ^ it really does. I confess I'm going to draw Paramore.
  15. I confess I'm a bit annoyed that the tour dates for YMA6 in the UK are nowhere near me.
  16. Are you sure that it's okay? I posted a link to your post on Tumblr on my Paramore fan blog, so Idk if that will get anyones attention
  17. if you could cover one song, what would it be? if you were to get another tattoo, what would you get? who influences Paramore the most? what could you not live without? if you had to collaborate with one artist, who would it be? sorry, I just keep thinking of questions, I'll stop now :')
  18. Came up with a few, you don't have to use them at all, but it'd be nice if you could use one 1) Who is the messiest band member? 2) What country would you consider your second home while on tour? 3) Favourite live moment in the past year? 4) Favourite songs to play live? 5) What is the weirdest thing that's been thrown on stage at you. 6) Do you still get nervous playing shows or are you used to it? 7) If you had to use a thing each to take on an island, what would you take? 8 ) What is the funniest thing a fan has done at one of your shows? 9) Favourite gift you've been given by a fan? I'll probably think of more
  19. I confess I've got nothing to do, but I want to go to the safari park on Monday with my little cousin.
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