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Posts posted by Scott!

  1. I listened to some of the new songs and so far my favorite is The Other Side. I just love how they kept the verses relatively simple in that song, also like the chorus melody. Jenna's vocals have gotten much better too! 

  2. Saw their set at Warped on Saturday. Really great band to watch live. Lots of energy. In the amphitheater the Domo stage and the Tilly's stage were actually set up right next to each other (which they always do whenever there's a WT in MV).  It's cool being able to just sit in the shade and watch bands one after the other with no waiting. :D Their set consisted of a lot of their heavier songs like Listening and Amelia. Their drummer is a badass and got a sweet solo to kick off the set.  :smile:  At one point Jenna asked the crowd how many people heard their music before and almost everyone raised their hands. And they also had a 2 hour line at their M&G tent. 

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  3. lolol of course not, I mean they totally didn't get #1 on Billboard or anything :P


    As for AA, I'm willing to wager that not releasing the record at all would have been worse.....................

  4. Nowadays it seems like most people just use social networks instead of fansites. It's pretty lame. The VE fansite had everything it needed, but people just preferred to go on Twitter to talk to other fans. If people had a reason to actually visit this place frequently, I'm sure they'd love it here. It just needs some mojo or something...I mean, the forum itself has already peaked at the badass meter. We need special contests and prizes. Everyone loves free shit! 


    Edit: yeah...what Dustin said. 

  5. I thought Mockingjay was good, but it was a way different feel. To me it felt very doom and gloom compared to the other two.




    Especially the exploding of all the children and Prim, which was quite a stinger. I felt it was necessary to tie together the central theme but jeez it got depressing. Not to mention Katniss was all on drugs for a lot of the book.


  6. It's packed full of happiness and is an effective contrast to the "Now" video. IMHO there were enough shots of the guys and they were included is a nice way. They left a lot of the girly scenes to Hayley which totally worked in context.
    I don't think I'd be down for seeing Taylor and Jeremy dancing on the bed along with her.   If they had to I suppose they could have done some shots of them actually playing instruments, but then I'd imagine they would have had to include members outside of Paramore to make it work, which is probably one fo the reasons why they didn't do it. Wait!...unless they had Taylor playing two guitars, Jeremy playing bass/keys and Hayley playing drums and percussion. They would set so many world records it would be the best day ever. 

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