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Everything posted by HayleyRoxMySox

  1. Back in the day, I was a member of Columbia House. I got suckered in by their offer of 11 CD's for 1 cent and I ended up buying a lot of albums that I didn't necessarily want but I liked one or two songs that I'd heard on the radio. What I learned from this experience was that a lot of bands in the 90's who had really great songs on the radio picked that song to be their single because the rest of their songs fucking sucked. Now I have stacks of CD's I got dirt cheap that I know I'll never listen to again. I mean you had to pay shipping per CD, so it ended up being like $2 an album, but retrospectively I wish I'd been more careful what I picked. I used to buy them when they had like they buy 1 get 20 free specials, there'd be a bunch of CD's I wanted and then I'd get up to number 10 and be like what the hell should I get to fill in the rest of the order? That said, I have so much respect for Paramore that I would blindly buy the EP and if it sucks it sucks. I trust that they wouldn't put out shit so I'm comfortable spending the money.
  2. I like this version of Candles better than the older version, but I like older Hey Monday, generally, more than the new sound. I'm conflicted big time.
  3. Hi Keith, I'm Keith. Welcome to the board!
  4. I'll definitely buy it, but if the new sound sucks (which I'm completely confident it won't suck) I'll be kind of disappointed. But hey, a long time ago Bad Religion put out "Into The Unknown" and every human being alive on planet Earth knew it sucked and they had to go back to their normal sound, so bands can put out pure shit and then realize it was a mistake and come back stronger with their original sound.
  5. I confess I could really go for taking off tomorrow.
  6. I remember St. Patricks day 7 years ago, I was 21 and a bunch, almost 22 so it was the first St. Pats day I could legally drink, I went up to Boston with a couple of friends from work and saw DKM twice. On the way, we stopped in Rhode Island to see the parade and one of my friends brothers who went to school up there. We got so shitfaced, I don't know how the hell we made it from there to Boston that night. I remember the drive felt like being on a rollercoaster, and I was in a really bad way, like I can't believe I didn't die from alcohol poisoning. The old adage "24 beers in a case, 24 hours in a day", I had that pace beat real early on. At one point, we had run out of beer, so we pull into this convenience store parking lot, all my friends were 20, so it was up to me. I got out of the car, puked all over the parking lot, and then went in and bought another case for the four of us to split. By the time the next morning rolled around, which was actually St. Patricks Day, I swore I wasn't going to drink anything alcoholic the rest of the trip because I was just thankful to still be alive. It took almost two days to recover completely, but by the night of the 2nd show, I was probably the only sober person there. The funniest part is that I remember every detail of that trip vividly, in spite of how completely wasted I was.
  7. Give away M&G passes, rig it so I win of course, but don't tell anyone that Honestly though, I think everyone knows Paramore knows us (not personally, but knows of us) and they would possibly be more than happy to help out with t-shirts or posters or something for a contest. What band wants their fan site to be a ghost town?
  8. haha yeah the last thing I'd want to hear is something that makes me think of winter when it's 90 degrees out and I'm enjoying my time off.
  9. I didn't come on for a long ass time because I'm teaching night school now twice a week and I don't get home until 10, then it's right to sleep so I can get up at 5:30 the next day and do it again. Then on weekends I'm tutoring, and if it's not working at work, it's working at home. I'm really not liking this whole growing older and shitloads of responsibility business at all. I am trying to budget my time better so that I actually can get on here more often, but it's tough working what amounts to 3 jobs and the fact that the only time I'm not tired anymore is when I'm sleeping.
  10. This is extremely awesome to the core! I can't wait, and the fact that it's during the summer I extra can't wait because summer kicks ass!
  11. I confess working night school 2 days a week is physically killing me.
  12. Hayley tweeted a link, I got the wording of the clues wrong, but that's besides the point. The category was current music, not today's music.
  13. I confess I had a dream that I met/hung out with Hayley and it annoyed me waking up because I had to discover that it didn't really happen.
  14. Technically 2X (for Hayley), the category was Today's Music (or something like that) $200 clue was "B.O.B. and Hayley Williams sing about wishing on these in the night sky" and $400 clue was "Brand New Eyes is newest album from this band in the Misery Business" Thought that was kind of cool, it was the Teen Tournament, so the contestants got them right. Wonder what would have happened if it was just a regular episode with three 50 year olds, same clues.
  15. As Reider led us all on, I removed him as a friend. Maybe silly, but also symbolic of the fact that he's a jackass who lied to all of us and tried to make fools out of everyone.
  16. I can't stand Miley Cyrus. I don't know what her sister is like, she could be the greatest most down to Earth person in the world, and that's fantastic for her, but I don't like Miley one bit. She strikes me as obnoxious and self centered and frankly very slutty, which is exactly the opposite of Hayley and Taylor Swift, which is part of the reason I love Hayley and Taylor so much. They're the anti-celebrity celebrity.
  17. I'm sure everyone would be cool with that. The kazoo is the instrument of the gods, who wouldn't want to listen to kazoo solos?
  18. I confess that I keep saying I need to get on here more often and then I don't, but I honestly will again
  19. I hope they let me write some material, I have some killer polka sounds that I think would work well.
  20. I contacted them, and we've agreed that I'll be playing the concertina on all upcoming albums and tours! I can't wait, between that and your kazoo, we should bring Paramore to the next level!
  21. Good catch, the drummer. I retract all my support and Rieder, you are a slimy asshole for trying to pull this. By the way, Drummer, love the sig pic!
  22. Just listened to the Born For This cover. Very awesome! Good luck!
  23. I think I know the commercial you're referring to, the song is If I Should Fall From Grace With God. It's the Subaru commercial. Pretty much everything by the Pogues is awesome. Black 47 was good but took a bad turn the older they got. I still stick with DKM standards, the older stuff is better than the newer stuff. Even with Flogging Molly, they have a new album coming out in May and I heard one of the songs on it, not very impressed. I'll continue to stick with the older songs.
  24. Hayleys outfit was kind of, well, interesting. I'll leave it at that
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