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Everything posted by jbeadle

  1. I wouldn't say I'm a big fan of Paramore although I do love their sound. As a 47 year old man... I'm not exactly the target audience. My daughter loves Paramore and Hayley Williams especially. I was familiar with a few of their songs and heard "The Only Exception" on Glee last week (my daughter also loves Glee so we watched four shows in a row that were on the DVR - I have to keep it a bit of a secret but I liked Glee too). Anyway, I've gone through a rough spell lately and like many have struggled with what life is about. I've been married for 26 years to my wife who I met in Jr. Highschool. I was a bit of a screwed up kid and probably a bit of a screwed up adult but my wife has stood by me - thus the only exception part. The song inspired me to write a tribute poem to my wife and I wouldn't mind if some Paramore fans took a look and told me what they thought - either in this forum or at Hubpages where I dropped it. I apologize in advance if this is considered SPAM - I consider it promotion for something I wrote and hopefully a nice tribute to an excellent song and band. If interested you can find the poem at http://hubpages.com/hub/Its-Good-To-Be-Alive with the official video embedded at the bottom. I hope you like it and I hope maybe it sparks some discussion about life, struggles and the influence music, writing and ideas have to help us all through this journey we call life.
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