Paramore Fans

Hey Paramore Fan Club!

Those of you who are members of the Paramore Fan Club may already know that one of our very own Moderators has also been the North American Ambassador for the fan club.  Catie (catiebugo4o5) has worked very hard to improve and help the fan club for all of its members and has spent a ton of time doing so this past year.  She is now up to be re-elected.  We hope that she can be re-elected so that she can work even harder at helping out the Paramore Fan Club for another year.  Members of the fan club can vote on who they would like to represent their region starting on Monday.  Those regions include North America, South America, UK/Europe, and South Pacific. The nominees for each region each made a video speech explaining why they should be elected.  Members of the PFC can go to the PFC main site to watch the videos of all of the nominees.  Here is Catie’s for North America:

You can follow Catie on Twitter (@xcatiebug) and Tumblr (

Go to to become a member if you aren’t already.