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Everything posted by exit_152

  1. Yeah, the underworlds wayyyy too tiny for that backdrop.If I remember right, I don't even think there's a place for a backdrop to hang 'cause the stage doesn't have a back wall, it's like the stage entrance if that makes sense? There's railings at one side and a wall at the other side but it's not where you'd conventionally hang a backdrop. I've only been there the once to see bayside & moneen last month and neither of them had a backdrop anyway.
  2. I hate when people steal pics and don't credit.I used to but I've gotten too lazy.It takes up more memory when you've got to save a watermarked version as well as the original and my computer's so slow and old =/ Though one time the bassist of this band called Blood Roses took one of my watermarked pics and used it on his myspace which was pretty cool & they're just starting to get known now but under the name lights!Action! or something.
  3. God this morning I freaked out so much. I had to ring up because I was at work. My plan was to hide in the stock room and do it but they put me in a queue for 20 minutes so I ended up having to tell my boss what I was doing.She didn't yell at me though and I got my tickets so I was way happy this morning until I got home from work and then my mum tells me we're supposed to be going to Cambridge sometime that week because it's half term. I'm hoping it's the first couple of days otherwise I'm going to be devestated =[ I've never heard of lostalone...
  4. You can set the shutter speed & ISO independatly but they essentially both control the pictures brightness. You want as high a shutter speed as possible without the pictures blurring and as high an ISO as you can get without making everyone look blown out and white and with minimum digital noise.Just play around with your settings and stuff before the band come out =] Getting a photopass is a bitch though. Unless you're from some big fancy magazine then most people don't want to know which really, really sucks.
  5. Woodley =] How about you? Is the website they're selling them on gigsandtours.com? I'm pretty sure that's seetickets if it is...
  6. Ahh sorry I was being lazy and just skimming through. I might just get my friend to book them for us. I just worry too much about missing out though. At least if I'm the one doing it I feel like I have some kinda control over it. (You're from Reading too!)
  7. I loooooove photography. I'm really, really lucky in the sense that I have a Nikon D80 which is a brilliant camera. It's pretty much my pride and joy because it's just beautiful, plus I spent a long, long time working to save enough money for it. It's worth the investment though because photography's what I want to do with my life. I'm not a film person though because I lent my camera to my mum a while back and she broke it, it's costly and i'm way too impatient to see what my pictures are like! Taken in like September on a what I think was a cannon ixus. It was borrowed and I can't remember!: 1 2 3 Taken on a kodak easyshare last August: 4 5 Taken on my Nikon for my photography exam =]: 6 7 8 9 Sorry , I probably went a little overboard!
  8. It was in this weeks Kerrang =[ It's only the tinest little bit at the back with the rest of the gig listings though. Are the tickets going on sale through seetickets? 'Cause I have to be at work 8am Saturday so I'm gonna have to hide in the stock room call up for them!I just need to make sure I get the right place though.
  9. I'm seeing them in Febuary :] My mum's been gay and made up a similar rule about not being allowed to book any more gigs for ages. It's horrible right? I'm dying to see Hellogoodbye but I figured I'd rather see these guys. Has anyone heard any of the leaked album tracks? Aside from Sowing Season, Jesus Christ, Limousine, Degausser (aka Take apart your head/the storm is coming, Not the sun & Archers have all magically appeared on the net. I'm having problems getting into Archers & Not the sun but otherwise, they're brilliant I really can't wait for this album.
  10. The second girl on the first page looks so like her it's scary! I dyed my hair a couple of weeks ago 'cause I fancied a change. I didn't see the point in dying it a different shade of blonde since that's my natural colour to start off with,a ton of people I know have dyed theirs brown recently and I haven't got the guts to do anything amazing like different coloured streaks, so I settled for red I reckon it's probably a pretty similar colour but it's not styled the same as Hayley's. The fringe being the main difference but still I've got a friend that's renamed me Hayley haha. Anyway, this is me:
  11. wow.As much as I love emergency I think the whole concept of the video fits better with conspiracy.Especially the bits where they're all inside.
  12. Yeah that could be pretty embarressing... I've been to loads of gigs though where they say no cameras and I've had mine no problems.I've never been to the mean fiddler though so I don't know what they're like.It's probably not worth the risk...
  13. From the blog they posted... I honestly didn't think I'd win.Those lies earned me wayyy more than I wanted in the first place!I'm definatly not complaining though =]
  14. My school's so rubbish. I've had loads of free lessons other than the ones I'm supposed to have 'cause teachers have been away or we've not had a class room 'cause they put two classes in there by accident.It's so stupid.Don't get me wrong,I love free lessons but the only place to sit during them is in the sixth form common room and there's way too many people.You're lucky if you get a chair =/
  15. I doubt we'll know until after the first show.Most of them'll probably be fairly similar I reckon. They can't confiscate camera phones can they?I hope not.The camera on my phones' almost as good as my actual camera so I should be alright if they take that off me.
  16. I don't know if any of you knew about the competition they had on their myspace over the last week? You had to tell them your best lie. And I won, which is probably something I shouldn't be too proud of but I'm well happy!I'm in their top 8 now too =]
  17. Or if you wear a big hoodie you can like shove it inside under your arm pit lol.And most venues generally don't look in all the compartments of bags other than the main bit.So if you've got like a zippy bit inside you'll probably be able to get away with that. And I don't think they'll chuck your camera if they find it.I think most places will take it off you and give you a ticket to collect it later or something.
  18. This guy really needs to be more decissive.What an idiot.Either it was memorable or it wasn't.
  19. I don't think they allow cameras but I'll probably take mine anyway and smuggle it in somehow.I'll figure out how when I get there lol.
  20. Do you mean the one with Hayley,Sonny & Wil on the cover?That's only got a tiny interview with them with an atricle on the warped tour.That was issue 1119 and in the UK we're on issue 1123.There was another one recently with paramore in though.There was one with a two page thing with them which had Alex Varkatzas,M shadows & Cristina Scabbia on the front.That was number 1121.You can get it from http://www.greatmagazines.co.uk/store/displayitem.asp?sid=93&id=11464&custid=05@09@200679211@58303339&setext=magazinebut they want you to subscribe to it.Maybe there's a number or something on there where you can get back issues though.Otherwise the only place I've been told that sells it over there is tower records.I hope you get it =]
  21. Or you can watch it now =) http://youtube.com/watch?v=e8D5--hlOmI
  22. God this seems forever ago.Sad times.It's all good now that things worked out.
  23. exit_152

    Hiiiii :)

    haha yeah it's gonna be great.It really can't come quick enough! Everyone seems really lovely here so far so thanks for making me feel welcome =)
  24. This is the best thing I've seen in ages.Why run on a treadmill when you can dance on a bunch of them with your friends?lol I have to agree with it overshadowing their music though,however amusing the videos are.It's a shame.I've only heard a couple of songs by them though.Infact I don't think I even know the name of this song which is kinda hypocritcal I guess.I think it's here we go but if it's not it just goes to show that they're better known for their videos that their actual songs.
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