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Mia of the [Dead]

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Everything posted by Mia of the [Dead]

  1. my mom loves paramore, actually. she loves my top three favorites, & hates everything else. avenged sevenfold, paramore, & the jonas brothers haha
  2. YAY! congrats to you! ew, i wish i'd just graduate HS already. it's so lame.
  3. haha HELLLO! how're you both? & sure! http://www.gallery.pmoreonline.com/albums/Press/Kerrang/l_1b549c45bb24a68aeee79eeb7bf18717.jpg thats the link for the original :]
  4. thanks everyonee! UrLittleDecoy - you are so pretty! i absolutely love your hair<3! & ParamoreRedSoxGurl, don't be jealous! i'm sure you're like, 23847823747x prettier than what everyone seems to thiiiink i am haha
  5. pretty good. summer sucks so far haha, so i'm just waiting for warped tour to roll around. shame that paramore isn't playing any NYC/NJ dates this year.
  6. haha awh that little faggot<3. he's my best friend. & like, saturday he came to NYC & we were supposed to see each other, but my moms a fag. & it didn't happen. (i live in NYC, but i'm spending the summer in NJ) so my sister is gonna take me to PA to see him :]!
  7. some very horrid rap song on z100. i'm just waiting for them to play paramore or miley. or something relatively amazing.
  8. thanks guys! i've missed you too! zach & i were just talking about you on the phone just yesterday, if you remember who he is. we were talking about how much we missed yah!
  9. haha, uhhhhm, i'm gonna guess girl. & hope that i'm right.
  10. my sister said the happening was a really good movie. my date with the presidents daughter.
  11. awhh! i love that she got her septum pierced. i'll bet it looks great on her (i can't really see it because it's all clear & shizz) but hayley can pull off anything. power to hayley!
  12. i get told soo many times in a day that i only listen to paramore because of hayley. or that if hayley weren't the singer, i probably wouldn't like them as much as i do, if at all. as long as you know that paramore is indeed a band, consisting of more than one person, what does it matter what everyone else says? i've learned to just ignore it, & go about my business. don't get upset about it. takes up too much energy you could be using to rock out to paramore ;]
  13. hahaa i remember talking to like, arya & shizz. & the dorkalicious thread. dear lord, that was soo long ago. i miss this place.
  14. thanks! :] how have things been around here? i feel so lost with all these new people/topics/things/ahhh! haha
  15. haha i've been pretty bad & pretty good. & every other thing in between. how have you been?
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