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Everything posted by LikeDays

  1. Seriously though, guys---how sweet would it be if poeple DID riot//graffiti EVERYTHING because of this, lol... Paramore may have dug themselves a hole
  2. Oooooh, I don't know if I would... Because honestly, it's nearly impossible to replase vocals. Bands can replace guitarists and drummers, and things will still sound the same for the most part, but vocals... I don't ever remember liking a band after a vocalist change. Not to say anything less about the boys, it's just that vocals are what people know and recognize a band for. Not to mention that I'd cry if Hayley were to leave, lol.
  3. Yep.. That'd be me. So, hello all, and if I screw up royally posting things, replying to things, and that whole whatnot, let me down gently I'll be honest, this is the first time I've ever tried anything with any type of forum, so I'm sure I'll mess up a lot. Constructive criticism, gentle shoves in the right direction and such. Anyway, again--hello, and let's all show me a good time --Kat.
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