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Everything posted by xMake-A-Scenex

  1. My school uniform since i'm at school haha.. It's a maroon pleated skirt .. with a white blouse.. and maroon tie.. Lol..
  2. ^^ Aww well hopefully its some realy good works =]
  3. Superman Pajama Pants... && Pink singlet top..
  4. Omg.. That is so good.. I hope it gets accepted.. It was really meaningful.. Great work
  5. This is the coolest thread.. 1. Every person has a unique tounge print. 2. Liquorice can raise your blood pressure. 3. The sound of E.T walking was made by someone squishing there hands in jelly. 4. It takes about 20 seconds for a red blood cell to circle the whole body
  6. Yea. Like no one could replace hayley but.. To show dedication to a band is to show dedication to the whole band not just one person..
  7. I hate it when people at my school think paramore is emo.. Do they honestly not know what emo is.. It angers me they need to find something better to do with there life then ridicule people..
  8. It wouldn't be the same without hayley.. But i would certainly not stop liking them just cause hayley left.. There is 4 people in the band that makes the band not just one.. It also depends on whether they stayed making the same kind of music.. Good question tho =]=]
  9. Favorite songs live by any band.. 1. "My Heart" - Paramore 2. "New Born" - Muse 3. St Jimmy- Green Day 4. Our Work Of Art - Just Surrender 5. Understanding in a Car Crash - Thursday 6. MakeDamnSure - Taking Back Sunday 7. Tell that Mick he just made my list of things to do today - Fall out boy 8. Procrastinating - Stellar Kart 9. Move Along ~ The All-American Rejects 10 Famous Last Words - My Chemical Romance 11. 12.
  10. Errmmm i don't really listen to my cd player.. i shall go check what cd's are in there though. Paramore. Senses Fail. Fallout boy. Panic! At the Disco. Story of the Year. My Chemical Romance.
  11. Lmao Monster's Inc. With my 1, 3 and 4 year old cousins.
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