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Everything posted by the1

  1. So much for "being done". SHE INSULTED ME. THROW A WARNING AT HER!!! BOOM HEADSHOT. I win. I'm the worlds greatest. Yay 4 Me. LOSER!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. So, I woke up to a winterwonderland this morning. After having an epileptic fit due the blinding whiteness, I decided the tundra of my back garden was kinda alright. Anyone else have epic snowness?
  3. It's like, the cousin of the ban hammer. Is it ball?
  4. I'm wrong about most things haha. In opposite world. .....I don't even know why I smiled. Eggcellent.
  5. Yeah yeah blah blah. I'm looking at your post count, and your join date. Go outside. You probably need some fresh air. Might clear that self obssessed head of yours.
  6. I never said that. Learn to read, dumb dumb. OMFG! You seem to have an obssession with eggs? I saw this one where there was this cake, and then this woman put her ass over it, and then I can't remember the rest cos I was too busy cleaning up jizz.
  7. Urgh. You're pointless. And can't even admit when your wrong.
  8. Catie, as much as you are my BFF and my ho etc. etc., you are kind of missing the point...
  9. But my point is that all these threads come under Spam. Surely, if we just had the spam thread, they could do whatever they wanted in there? Let's be honest: if people genuinely miss a thread, they are beyond help anyway haha
  10. Youtube is the best cooking tool ever.
  11. Same. I can even get directions!!! Technology is crazy It's the thought that counts!
  12. You still haven't answered my other question. Why, when I'm trying to make this place slightly more interesting for people such as yourself, did you treat me like I'm some kind of egotistical prick? I have many friends on here. From young, innocent Christian girls to smoking skaters. I'm not a bad person. But when, frankly, stuck up little bitches like you come along and act as if you actually know anything, it annoys me. Read your post again. Tell me it doesn't give the impression that whoever posted it is up their own ass. ...she started it. *sulks* Yes, of course.
  13. So am I. See the problem here. You can't handle anything that isnt all p's and q's. Your opinion doesn't matter. Neither does mine. But that doesn't mean we can't express them however we wish. Unless it involves posting porn.....
  14. .... I'm just gonna hope you're talking about her feline, so I don't throw up over my screen.
  15. Well, if your not a whore, an ugly girl like you ain't gonna get laid any other way. Oh noes, I'm so mean.
  16. For fucks sake. ARGUMENTS ARE PART OF LIFE. HARDEN UP I swear to God, this place was better before 14 year old little girls came along and made me think about setting an example.
  17. I also shat bricks. Our queen just sits pretty and talks on Christmas from a prompter
  18. Yes, there is. There's also no need to insult someone when they try to help you. She didn't use manners with me. Why should I with her?
  19. NP. You've been here for a while, we all argue and shit. That's what people do. It's when fucks that have been here for like, 2 months, attempt to act like they are above me. They should just sit down and shutup.
  20. I am older, wiser, and generally better than you. You are part of the fucking disease on this forum. Don't argue with me. Funny. I'm trying to make this place slightly better and more exciting, and whores like you insult me? Fuck you. Ungrateful bitch. Go play in traffic.
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