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Everything posted by Titch

  1. Hahahahahhaah well good night i met you reah i dunna how you spell it or is it cherl Hmmm! hahaha
  2. Im going but alone Ekkkkk im gonna look like GEEK come say hi tho yes ok bye!
  3. You are you are a apsolutly agree its just that il be in london at like half one alone lol my parents wont let me =[ and why are ppl soo unrilable these days its like ppl cant see the issue with it its like haa cant come now ho well its like not ho well why say you going to do something and not do it drive in mad that dose Grrrrr! =[ no paramore for me now!
  4. Sooooo i was going untill like a minute ago its ether go alone or not go atall Hmmmmmm!
  5. theyl guid you to it i sghould thinkk coz everything is in that room on a sat
  6. thats the flyer print it off and and go there it fiorst come first serv so get ther erly!
  7. Hmmmmmmmm! if there is post it coz i dont want to miss it ether hahah!
  8. This from frog lol Hiya, We never sell tickets, entry is on a first come first served basis at the door. Doors open at 11pm and the band is on at 1am. Sign up to our mailing list or keep checking our blog to print off a flyer to next weeks event. cheers! FROG.
  9. They are indeed could find a 24 hour tesco and try and keep warm lol thatl be funny
  10. HEY! i was wondering her hair on the cover of kerrang and the pis on the artical i was wondering what type of get or whever might she use because i have the same cut as her (Not intentional) BUT i think the way her fringe and the shortest layer like it flicked out but it dosent look alll gunkyfide and gelled etc (not a good look) but i was wondering what she might use to keep it looking natural? hope you understand my jiberish
  11. Thats awsome ok i was wondering her hair on the cover of kerrang and the pis on the artical i was wondering what type of get or whever might she use because i have the same cut as her (Not intentional) BUT i think the way her fringe and the shortest layer like it flicked out but it dosent look alll gunkyfide and gelled etc (not a good look) but i was wondering what she might use to keep it looking natural? hope you understand my jiberish
  12. P.S head automatica is the SEX my goddd PHWAAAAAAAAAAa his voice on its own sends you crazy Hmmmm il stop now
  13. Hhahahahahahahaha cheeky lol i rly wouldnt know how to get home tho i live in east london BLAH gonna be a LONNNNG! time before i get to my bed could get number 25 dose anyone know what time it runs till kinda looking at a bench for the night rly lol
  14. =s man Alive, lol the probs charge over the odds nall il get some from the offy and last all night HA my god you can tell im student, i dont know many clubs in london and if i pay a fiva to get on im just stayong put im bringing my i can tell hes not gonna wanna stay and he dosent do much anyway lol (it rhymes) and BLAH Hmmmmmm well meh to him im gonna go have a good time! the fitie indie Boys hahaha!
  15. ^^^^^^^ MEH indie emo scream metal all sounds the same at like 1 after a few pints il hit the dance floor with anything playing hahhahahaha aslong as you got ppl that can have JOKES then its fine and beside indie isnt just all about milodic beats like the kooks and new shose i mean klaxons is classed as indie well new indie and the klaxons sound simler to Test iciciles and they were classed a emo and all that sooo MEH to all thos TAG's and catorgies let pl be who they are without judgment and critisim i say!!!!!!!!1
  16. on the friday they post a bulliton with the flyer you save it and print it i think coz i have them on my friends list i think thats how you do it
  17. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ NICE ONE im gonna be wearing the riot T Yup lol if you spot it and the girl have ether a new era hat on or back combed hair say Hi! and yell out Titch!
  18. i LOVE the RIOT ts they sold at underworld coz like im not to keen on all band ts with there name writen al over it but the riot one looks like a normal T with paramore in lil writing at the back soo yer not that i dont suport them or anything just not keen on it
  19. Ho deary me lol i still hurt after wednes day tbh i have hurt after a gig in ages and i thinj i hurt more this time around and i got knoked out at incubus which i thourght was bad but HO MY Paramore+i bigger venue+Alot more fans=Titches death ahhahahahahaha! Who's going Frog on the 9th
  20. Ok i keep posting sorry but i just wanted to say the paramore que was THE best que and THE friendlyest que ever and tbh all the ppl in that que made the night lol! NICE ONE pat ya selvs of the back!
  21. ok yer this is me if ya met me add me up kk
  22. Hahahahahhahahaha tbh i dunna who i met i whent around the Que like talking to everyone hahahahahahha Hooooooooooooo Deary deary me but i had a good laugh OMG i forgot i spoke to jeramy well the guitarest lol and i was like a foot away from hayely dopy me saw her and shouted what i was thinking i said "HUH thats hayley williams" standing ther like a lemon Jeramy "No, No,No that not hayely williams your imaganing things" Dopy me "You, You, =o That is you lier hahahahhah" and yer ppl ran after them and the ran off hahahaha ok i win !st prize place in the catorgry of having the most Odd convosation with a cilebraty LOL!
  23. p.s i recall someone taking pic of me a cople actuly if you got a girl with an orangey/red star hoody on that would be me DELETE them but give the to me before lol coz i looked Dreadful
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