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Everything posted by tragedienne

  1. I saw a video, someone yelled "fuck you" and she was like "what was that? I don't think that's what we're supposed to be chanting together. If you wanna shout those things that's cool.. you can start your own little group" EDIT:
  2. How does it look like a sim character? haha.. O_o
  3. Aww well thank you guys so much! if I post this on the livejournal community is there a chance she might see it? I'm just wondering because it'd be cool if she could see it. However I don't know much about the community and if the band visits it often or not.
  4. Here it is on YouTube as well: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygubVzOUXeQ
  5. I just finished this.. it's a digital painting of Hayley. (click to go to my deviantART where you can see it bigger) Took around 2 days. I used a Wacom Intuos3 tablet and Photoshop CS2. Tell me what you think! ------------------------- ***EDIT*** Here's my new painting of Hayley:
  6. After they talked to Paramore/Boys Like Girls the first time then played the "Wall To Wall" video.. they didn't talk to them again after that right? I stopped recording after that.
  7. I put it on YouTube.. not sure if FBR is gonna remove it or not. http://youtube.com/watch?v=CL9sVBX_cTw
  9. Here, I took some better pictures of the RIOT! shirt: Not much difference in the front and back design.
  10. I know they played Let The Flames Begin but I'm not sure what others they played..
  11. This was new to me so I ripped the three videos, combined them and put it on YouTube. If there's a thread for this already then I'm sorry.. I couldn't find anything. http://youtube.com/watch?v=hNZSmy2Iy5o It's pretty funny.. haha. Made me laugh a lot.
  12. Got it at Warped on the 13th, and thanks.
  13. So that lady just worked the at&t tent it looks like? Why is she holding on to them like that? Disturbing.. haha. I would've been like O_o Anyway, glad you had fun. I like the pictures.
  14. Yeah, by ear without piano lessons. Thanks!
  15. Hopefully this is allowed.. it's not like I'm uploading the actual song so I think it should be alright. This would be me playing "Breathe" on the piano. I learned it by ear last night, took me around two hours to get it sounding right. I've never had piano lessons so it's far from perfect.. plus it's really hard to hear over Hayley during the chorus. And yeah I realize the chorus is probably too fast. I tried my best. Tell me what you think! http://youtube.com/watch?v=tbIIEPErO4o
  16. Err.. why was my post deleted? What I said was that evboard.com has an even newer version of vBulletin, version 3.6.7, and they have vbPlaza so how come we can't get it running version 3.6.4? It'd be nice if someone explained to my why I'm not allowed to post that information instead of just deleting my post without a reason.. :[
  17. I got a hug from all four of them.. and I didn't even ask. Haha. Hayley just came up to me and gave me a big hug then Josh, Zac and Jeremy did the same. They're all so sweet.
  18. http://www.musicsaveslives.com/bloodbanks/gibsongc.htm
  19. Just hope there IS a signing. They haven't been doing them as of lately. If there is a signing, no they don't give you much time to talk to them. It's basically "hi, *get thing signed*, bye". You could still give them gifts at the signing, though. As for what to give them.. I have no idea. haha.
  20. This is a random question.. but for the people who went: Why did Hayley laugh when she was turning the mic back around to face her after letting the audience sing during Franklin? I can't tell what happened from watching the videos on youtube..
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