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Everything posted by torres

  1. Hey guys, I'm going to the Tampa show. It says it starts at 7:30, but at what time should Paramore be taking the stage?
  2. You don't have to go to church or take part in bible studies to be a good Christian. Also, I think it's important for Christians to surround themselves with people of all types of backgrounds, even different religious backgrounds, not just other Christians who believe in the exact same things as they do. Jesus made friends with everyone and loved everyone equally. I've seen way too many people that are close-minded because of so called beliefs that are instilled into them by either their church or youth group. Honestly, some of the comments I've read here are the exact same types of comments I hear from friends of mine that most people would call "Jesus freaks" for good reason. I think way too many kids have a misconstrued reality of what being a Christian is supposed to be about. Fat Mike is an asshole (that's part of his charm), but I don't blame Fat Mike for having beef with Underoath when reportedly, Underoath has a couple of homophobes in the band. I think the best advice I could give some of you guys is to make friends with anyone that has a good heart, whether they have your same religious background or come from a different background. Learn more by being open-minded. If you have the opportunity to go to college, please do so as that will open up your mind even more. I'm betting that most of you are in middle school or high school. xFueledByParamorex, I think you got a lot of growing up to do. It seems like you've been convinced to follow the exact same path as many others do and say and think things that are forced upon you by either your parents, church, or youth group. Don't be afraid to take the world in on your own, Jesus wouldn't condemn you for it. Also, I suggest you don't force yourself unto others like I've noticed you trying to do on this forum (which is obviously becoming an annoyance to some). People don't have to follow your exact same path to have a relationship with God or make it to heaven. xFueledByParamorex, I know you mean well and are likely a very good hearted person. However, there's just so much more you can learn about the world around you to make yourself a much well-rounded person. I'd hate for you to be another product of what's wrong in Christianity today.
  3. Hayley is everything Avril wishes she could be but is incapable of. I'm expecting major jealousy from Avril in the future. Avril fans are going to become Paramore fans and most are going to wonder why they even wasted their time listening to Avril in the first place when Hayley sings much more meaningful songs. Hayley is also a MUCH better role model than Avril could ever be. Seriously... Hayley Williams >>>>>>> Avril Lavigne
  4. All We Know Is Falling is definitely a stronger album than Riot. This is coming from someone who just became a fan of the band and basically picked up the albums only a week apart from each other. All We Know Is Falling seems like a more mature rock record. Riot has more of a pop sound which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Still, the songwriting in All We Know Is Falling feels stronger and the album as a whole has much more emotion than Riot. I'm not saying Riot is a bad record by any means. I just think the band has a little more edge on All We Know Is Falling. Riot gives me this feeling of the band trying to fit in with the rest of the Fueled By Ramen bands. If the band is proud of Riot, that's what matters the most. It does seem like a well produced record, even if I don't like the direction the band took on some of the songs.
  5. I really hope Paramore decides not to open up for Fall Out Boy. They would be respected so much more if they opened up for a band like Incubus. They need to step away from the emo/pop-punk scene and step out into the modern rock world.
  6. Doesn't matter if Paramore will be around for years to come. Every band that becomes popular goes through a trend phase. Paramore is set to be that band where you'll have a ton of people storming into Hot Topic to buy the latest Paramore merchandise, wear their hair to the side and buy some overly tight jeans just to look exactly like Paramore. Then "fans" will rave about how Paramore is the best band ever until they get so popular to the point where "fans" will not be into the band anymore because they "sold out". It's all this really annoying cycle that starts when people get into a band for all the wrong reasons. It's going to happen with Paramore, but I'm hoping that a band with their talent can stick through it all and have intelligent fans.
  7. Yup, just like the "emo" fashion statement. Hopefully a lot of people will like Paramore for their music and not for their look. I went to a Take Action Tour show a couple of months back and it really felt like everyone was wearing some random band t-shirt like a brand name. Probably the most annoying were the Red Jumpsuit Apparatus fans. Ironically, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus was the worst band at the show while the best band was Kaddisfly, who were the least known and were the opening act as well (I was likely one of two fans at the entire show who were there specifically for Kaddisfly).
  8. Man, I feel really bad for Diego. I can't imagine the feeling of disappointing the band which you spent so much time rooting for, supporting and effort in pushing them online. With that said though, one responsibility you have as an admin is to prevent a leak from spreading. I've been a moderator at an Incubus fansite for about 5 years now. 2 years ago, one of the band's songs off the Stealth soundtrack leaked. I got on the board and saw pages and pages of a thread with people talking about where to download the song and sharing yousendit links and such. I actually deleted every single post talking about where to get the track then made posts telling people to not post about sharing copyrighted material because the site could get screwed. I got alot of shit for it because people didn't see what the big deal was in sharing one simple track. I didn't care if people shared it with each other on AIM, just don't POST on the board about how to get it. The band's manager actually appreciated my efforts so much that he offered to call me and have me listen to all three Incubus tracks on the soundtrack at least 2 months before they were to be released. So I pm'd the manager my cell phone number and heard all three tracks. So all the crap I got from a couple of fans for trying to appease the band and management was very well worth it. However, what shocks me about all this is the fact that it was a music video. When I started reading through the thread, I thought it was about RIOT leaking. Getting so bent out of shape over a music video is hard to believe, but I can totally understand it from the band and their management's perspective if they already had a structured marketing plan set up for the video that got squashed because of a leak.
  9. She must go through an enormous amount of pressure being an 18 year old girl fronting a rock band, especially in the scene the band is coming out of (with bands like MCR, Fall Out Boy, Panic at the Disco, Cute is What We Aim For, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, etc.). There are probably a ton of fans now that are into Paramore because it's the trendy thing to do. Then you have other fans who desperately want to be like Hayley or want to know every single thing about her. Gotta worry about those fanatics, she probably has them and they're the type of people that can make or break an artist at times. Not only does Hayley likely have to deal with male fans wanting to get in her pants, there's probably a few guys in rock bands trying to do the same as well. I could imagine the band having to be very protective of her at times. All of this while writing some amazing lyrics and singing them with some real emotion. There's also no solid modern rock band right now with as good a female vocalist as Hayley. It's sometimes shocking to me that a band like Paramore didn't come out earlier, especially with so much bands in the scene.
  10. Just want to say that Paramore is fastly becoming one of my new favorite bands. I'm glad I have found another band to root for in this music industry. There's just so much potential in the band, especially as long Hayley Williams is in the band, what a talented female vocalist she is.
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