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Everything posted by Kristen

  1. Not to mention all the groping you may receive.
  2. Word! The last time I saw Paramore it was ridiculous and so many of us in the front were getting pissed at the younger kids in the back who were pushing the shit out of us and trying to make room for themselves when there was none.
  3. Haha try being 4'11. I can only stand being in the pit if I'm within the first few rows of the barricade.
  4. I may be able to go! I thought the venue didn't have a lawn, but it does, so tickets for that are $10 and the last section of seats is $24.50. Just have to discuss it with my mom.
  5. Yeah I won't be paying that. I'll just be glad to go, so I won't mind getting something far back.
  6. Ughh. I'm debating joining for that but I'd like to know how much tickets are going to be first. I'll probably get the cheapest ones, but I'd gladly put up with crap seats if I got to meet them. Someone in the fan club keep us posted please.
  7. Is that just for people in the fan club?
  8. They won't be selling m&g tickets unless it is for sure happening. They're probably trying to work it out as best they can.
  9. Haha I always eat cereal late at night. Nice post. Good to hear the album making is going along nicely.
  10. I'm debating whether to try and go or to just wait for their own tour later on.
  11. Seems good seats are going to be way expensive. I don't know if I'll be able to afford it, unless I get lawn seats.
  12. Anyone know where I can get the original?
  13. She's not. Leah isn't in the New Moon movie anyway.
  14. I'm pretty sure Hayley was a fan of theirs before she and Chad got together, so I think she would've sung for them whether or not they were dating.
  15. Yay for Josh posting! That's so sweet what they did.
  16. Could you just stfu please? Stop trolling. And roxchick93, I really doubt that's true. He's signed on for NM and Eclipse and says that NM is his favorite book and he's excited for the film.
  17. Not all vampire mythology is the same. Twilight's vampires are not allergic to the sun, nor do most of the those things (garlic, holy water) apply to them. The book is essentially a love story, the vampire thing is just an aspect of it. If you're looking for something like more traditional vampires, you're going to be disappointed because you shouldn't expect that from this. Seriously, why post a bunch of negative comments in a place where the fans come to talk about it? I've heard all this crap before and it could apply to most vampire stories where they fall for a human.
  18. Yeah she's the mom. I'll be interested to see how it'll change things.
  19. I like Spongebob. I watch him when I'm at home sometimes. Patrick is hilarious.
  20. Whoa. I never listened to it much and I liked it better after seeing it live.
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