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Everything posted by Tineke

  1. Oh hell yes i can't wait to see what she comes up with next.
  2. Ummmm. It's good, but it's REALLY hard to get into. If I read it I have to force myself through the first half of Fellowship otherwise I jsut don't finish it. 'Cause it's quite longwinded.
  3. Oh yeah, I totally can't believe I've read it more than once. NEVER again, it's just too long.
  4. I'm in a really good mood right now and this just sort of.... Came out. I can’t grasp this feeling that’s making me smile. Words fall away and I can’t help but relax and just… Grin at the joy of it all. I don’t even know what ‘it all’ is, But whatever it is it’s wonderful. I’m sitting here, by myself, and instead of… Complaining and moaning that nobody is beside me, I’m rejoicing that sometimes there are. That I know God is with me, My friends will stand by me, And my family will let me fall back on them. Even though some people will fade, or slam the door, Others will always be there to take their place. As long as I want them there I will never be alone. And this, contentedness, just wells up inside me, For the first time in my life I can think of nothing the take this smile away.
  5. Why does my school feel the need to do at least two firedrills per term in both winter terms, and yet none in the summer terms, And why are they always in Drama? Because having to go outside on a cold day in the short sleveless dress that was my last assessment costume was not fun.
  6. I think the fifth one may have been the longest book I've ever read, eh. Discounting Lord Of The Rings which is a complete monster. But I remember being rather shcoked at the difference between the third and the fourth, yeah.
  7. Yeah. Such good memories, ha.
  8. Yeah the 4th is pretty high up on the 'in order of preference' list. But they're all awesome.
  9. I didn't read them beforehand, I meant to but I didn't get any time not doing homework (I techincally should be doing Classics right now) But I'm going to re-read the whole series now.
  10. So for the last two years my family has gone to the Gold Coast for a holiday in the first week of October. But not this year. Dammo.
  11. Yeah I'm like... Super-fast. My official time is 5 hours and 45 minutes. But I'm so not disapointed at all.
  12. I've got mnie and already finished it. It's AWESOME.
  13. Oh man a writing thread, I lvoe this forum already. Here's an older one, but it's one that I'm still ridicolously proud of. Grace. Don’t worry, I don’t hate her. I don’t hate you. I have grace, And so do you. Grace. Don’t worry, I won’t cry. I won’t give up. I have grace, And so do you. Grace. Don’t worry, I’ll be fine. I won’t think of it. I have grace, And so do you. Grace. Don’t worry, I won’t hate her. I won’t have you. I have grace, And so do you.
  14. Username: Tineke First name: Tineke Age: 16 Gender: Female How did you come across this amazing fansite that is paramorefans.com? I typed in 'Paramore' on google and it came up... Wikipedia is crap when it comes to band info and I was trying to find out more about them. How did you come across the amazing band that is Paramore/ how long have you been a fan? Half through a forum I used to go on, and half throush Misery Business on the radio. I've only been listening to them about a week, I'm a complete Paramore newbie, but I love them. Favorite Paramore song? Uhhh. My Heart and Born For this are about equal favourites. Favorite lyric? "we could sing our own, but what would it be without you?" Any live show experiences you'd like to share? Not yet, but hopefully one day. Interests: Theatre, guitar and photography. Other Music: I'll listen to almost anything.
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